Page 37 of The Lost Melody
“Another day, two at most. I am hoping she’s feeling a little better soon, and Lennon can eat something. Her records show she’s lost weight over the last two months as well,” Miranda sighs.
“Is anyone else awake right now?” I ask. There’s not a clock in here, and my phone is too far to reach.
“No,” she says, amusement coloring her voice. “Everyone is asleep. Derek and Roark are cuddled together on a couch, and Turner is asleep in an armchair. I wanted to wake them up to head to bed, but honestly, they’ll just obsess about Lennon. There’s nothing wrong with that, but they need sleep too. Greg is also asleep I believe.”
Nodding, I sigh. “Is there anything I need to watch for? I’m worried every time she shifts in her sleep,” I confess.
“No, Orion, you’re doing fine. I think the infection is from her stitches, so the next time she wakes up, I’m going to need to inject some antibiotics. Lennon’s not going to like me very much, but it’ll help get rid of the infection,” she sighs.
I look down at Lennon, thinking. “You know it’s not personal, right? Lennon isn’t going to like nurses or medical personnel for a while I think. Those people hurt her, and even after the light leaves their eyes and they’re dead, she’ll suffer the consequences of their actions,” I tell Miranda softly.
“I know that,” she insists. “I do. And you don’t scare me, even when your voice goes dead, and you talk about killing people. I’ve been around killers most of my life. Stop acting as if it’s odd to want to torture people.”
I chuckle softly because I always thought it was. Miranda is a spitfire and the perfect nurse for Lennon.
“Alright, point taken,” I tell her.
“I’ll be back around in a few hours. I’m two doors down the hall, so if something happens, don’t hesitate to bang the door down. I’m going to catch some sleep too,” she says and I nod.
“Thank you—” I start to say, but she’s already slipping out the door.
Sinking back into the bed, I cuddle Lennon to me, hoping it doesn’t scare her when she wakes up.
I’m way too comfortable and don’t want to wake up. Groaning, I snuggle into the pillow that smells like citrus.
“Are you waking up yet, sleepy head?” says a low voice.
Who’s calling me sleepy head? I kind of know this voice…
Eyes opening, I lean my head back a little and see clear, green eyes that are filled with mirth. There’s also a little worry there too.
“I’m only kind of alive,” I mutter.
“I will take kind of any time of the week, little Lennon,” Orion chuckles.
Hmm… this is better than little girl, I can work with this.
“Did you stay with me all night? What time is it?” I ask, burying my face in his shoulder as I yawn.
“I did, and it’s time for you to wake up. How do you feel?” he asks.
“I feel like not puking,” I tell him honestly and he hums, burying his face in my hair.
Is he smelling me?
Fuck it, the last few days have been so odd, this isn’t the weirdest thing.
“Why are you smelling me, Orion?” I ask, because he’s extra cuddly and it surprises me.
I should just check my assumptions at the door with this man, because I don’t know enough about him.
“Mmhmm. I don’t care if it’s weird, you smell good,” he mumbles.
I giggle and he freezes. Orion shuffles until his face is in the crook of my neck.
“Now I know why these men bend over backwards to make you happy. Your giggle is intoxicating, and I want to hear it more,” he says, and I get the feeling he’s hiding from me.