Page 39 of The Lost Melody
“I’m sore, so it’s likely not a pretty sight,” I mutter uncomfortably.
“Little Lennon, your pussy is gorgeous, even if it was something I purposely didn’t stare at because I had no right to. Stitches or none,” Orion says with a shrug.
He gets up smoothly from the bed, walking for the door. “I’ll still go get him, but I didn’t want you to think there was anything wrong with you. You’re a fucking warrior, and you should own it.”
My eyes track his movements, completely in shock. “Holy shit,” I whisper, once he’s left.
“Girl, he’s so gone for you,” Miranda murmurs, taking my arms to check my blood pressure.
“I… he’s something else,” I tell her, shaking my head.
Thankfully, my blood pressure is only slightly elevated, and I don’t have a fever any more. Turner walks in as we chat.
I think I make her nervous, but I really don’t understand why. I’m being the perfect patient, so I’m very confused. Pushing the feelings away, I give Turner a tight smile as he walks in and closes the door.
“Orion said you wanted me to come in? He was acting really odd though when he told me. I don’t pretend to understand him yet, though. Any ideas?” he asks as he climbs on the bed with me.
“Orion,” I giggle, my cheeks heating. I press my palm to my face, eyes wide as he watches me.
“Oh really,” Turner teases me. “I know that look. What did he say to you?”
I blush harder, glancing over at Miranda.
She smiles, shaking her head, thoroughly amused. My discomfort is making her relax even more around me, and I think I need to ask Turner if I did anything to make her like this.
“Don’t look at me, I heard what he said,” she chuckles.
“I asked Orion to get you, because I wanted someone in the room with me for this, and he asked if it’s because he hadn’t slept with me,” I tell him, covering my face in embarrassment.
It was one thing to have it be said the first time, but Turner’s smirking at me.
“I was wondering if he was going to shoot his shot with you or not,” he teases me and I shriek, throwing my back on the pillow.
“Turner! Could we not do this right now?” I laugh, turning my face towards him with a smile.
“We can do this whenever you want, now show the nurse your pretty pussy, so we can check out those stitches,” he tells me.
My jaw drops. “Did he tell you what he told me?!”
Turner howls, holding onto his stomach. “It was a shot in the dark, because it is gorgeous, even covered in stitches like Frankenstein.”
Miranda snickers, her face heating. “See what I have to deal with,” I groan, grabbing my panties and wiggling them off.
“I swear, this will be a really fast process, though if it’s inflamed, I may have to give you a shot of antibiotics,” she says with a wince.
Does she think I’ll fight her on this? Not a chance if it’ll keep the fever away.
Pushing off the blanket, I raise my eyebrow at her to do her thing. Nodding, she moves to the foot of the bed, and I sigh, dropping my legs open.
Wearing gloves, she’s careful as she checks the stitches. I glance at Turner, and his eyes are on Miranda, focused and worried.
“I’m fine,” I murmur softly, touching his hand.
“I know, Lavender, I’m going to worry about you either way. You look a lot better now,” he says, glancing over at me, relaxing slightly.
“Ifeelbetter. I’m actually kind of hungry too, I think,” I confess, thinking about it. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt hungry, so it’s an interesting thing to feel.
“Roark is stress baking,” Turner snorts. “What do you want to eat? Miranda, anything she should avoid?”