Page 56 of The Lost Melody
“You’re right,” Greg says, his voice cracking slightly. “Tori’s close call put me back in the field, working tougher cases, and now I’m a name no one wants to come for them. I made myself the boogieman of my industry.”
I respect him for admitting this. He’s leaned forward on his forearms as he remembers why he pulled himself into the deep underbelly of special operations for the government.
Turner shifts on his feet, eyes darting to Greg before returning to Lennon.
“I’m an overprotective dick,” he admits. “Red went through a lot in a year-long period. I am glad she’s happy now, and you’re here to help us. And… in case I forget to tell you because you decide to be dick, thank you.”
Greg chortles and my lips twitch in mirth. “I am going to go see Lenny, and fix her stance. She’s overbalancing and it’s causing her to fall.”
He stands and leaves the room, the only thing that makes me okay with this is that he’s happily married.
“I’m going to check in with my dad,” I murmur as I stand.
“Is that a smart idea?” Derek asks, brow raising.
“I’m on a burner,” I smirk. “And the signal won’t lead them back here. I have it fixed to where I’m within twelve miles of my house.”
Derek makes a surprised noise and it’s adorable. I want to kiss him, but instead I bite my lip, leaving the room.
I slip up to my room to make this call. Dad told me to lay low, but I know he still expects me to call. Greg plans to exterminate or incarcerate anyone who had anything to do with Grant or Xav’s plans to push his agenda, and frankly, I think my dad should be included.
I want to be free to live my life, and my father holds my tether like a leash. I don’t have much affection for him, he never gave me much reason to.
Tools don’t have feelings, which is why I’ve never had many.
“Orion? What are you doing?”Dad answers without prelude and I struggle to not roll my eyes.
“I’ve been working, Dad. I took on a few new jobs, and things have been quiet. I wanted to call and see how you were,” I lie.
“Oh. Grant is leaving the country, it appears. Everything is fucked now that the insurance company is looking into him on fraud charges. We’ll never be able to make things right again,”he laments.
My lip twitches, knowing that Greg is going to be releasing all of their names and the scandal to the media any day now. The hospital exploding was released to the media the morning after it happened, along with word that Lennon was a patient involuntarily. Greg’s choice for running the investigation and being the media darling is Special Agent Ina Gomez, since she was undercover as Nurse Imelda. I’m not surprised Grant chose to collect insurance on the hospital explosion. He sunk a pretty penny into it.
Greg will be having the agent release that Grant and Xav are persons of interest due to sex trafficking allegations, and will disclose what the hospital was used for soon as well. I’m unsure though if he’ll wait until after my “job” is complete. I think it’s safer for them to wait, so Grant and Xav will be a little less desperate.
Grant can’t leave until after we give him his forged paperwork, anyway.
“What are you going to do?” I ask innocently.
“Fuck, I’m going to leave too, I think. Sorry, kid, but without Grant, I’m going to need to start over. It seems that the insurance company believes he’s responsible, and is looking to press charges. So much of my life has been tied up in his businesses,”he says, as if I give a shit.
The only thing I’ve ever been good for is hiding the bodies.
“I get it, I’ll be fine,” I tell him noncommittally.It’s the truth, I don’t need him to clean up my messes anymore.
“Yeah? Okay, awesome. I’ll be leaving by Thanksgiving, and then I’ll probably disappear. See you around,”he says and hangs up.
My sperm donor is a dick. Succumbing to the eye roll, I throw my phone on the bed.
“Everything okay?” Roark asks, leaning into my room, and I curb my flinch of surprise.
Goddamn, these people!
Turning, I nod grimly.
“Yep. That was my dad. He’s also leaving, now that his meal ticket is gone. My sperm donor said Grant is fleeing the country soon, which isn’t a surprise.”
“Fuck,” Roark mutters. “I’d say I’m sorry your father is leaving but…”