Page 67 of The Lost Melody
“You got it,” he says and the bubble of tension that’s been building pops.
“Lenny, want to call your sister with me tonight and give her the good news,” Roark asks with a smirk.
“Yeah, I really do,” she grins. I would do almost anything to keep that smile on her lips.
Unless it’s because she’s screaming my name. I really liked that.
Sex didn’t happen last night, but it was nice to connect with Orion and Derek. It’s not the same as fucking like bunnies the way I was before I was kidnapped, but it’s as if it’s opened a gateway for more touches and kisses between us all.
I really hope that the house in South Carolina has a big bed, because I plan to sleep with them all. I need to talk with Orion and see if he’s comfortable with that idea. Last night, he kissed me for an inordinate amount of time, and I almost begged him to fuck me.
Instead, he said goodnight, and went to his own room. Roark walked out of our room to find me practically a puddle against the wall, which he found highly amusing.
Greg isn’t kidding about wanting to get home soon, so I’m sitting in the car with him, on the way to the secure facility where Prescott is being held. My first and only thought is for her father, who is a really good man.
“Does her father know about any of this?” I ask, bursting the silence that had been surrounding us.
Greg glances over at me for a split second, surprised, though he knows immediately who I’m talking about. “No… he doesn’t. However, he also hasn’t noticed that Prescott is missing, either. Jordan updated him that he was your new manager when she was dismissed, as you know. I get the feeling they aren’t close.”
I shake my head. “Laurence wants to believe the best of his daughter,” I sigh. “As her father, I sympathize with his plight, but the girl is unhinged. I have a problem finding anything good about her now that I know she’s been working with my mother and Grant.”
“Lennon,” Greg says, wrinkling his nose. “They were all sexually involved. So god only knows how far the relationship went, especially if Prescott has daddy issues.”
I gag, shuddering.Fucking gross. I have daddy issues, but I’m not fucking someone old enough to be my father.
“I’m not emotionally stable for this,” I groan, thankful for the water bottle Roark insisted I take with me for the drive.
Greg snorts in amusement. “This can’t have been a good arrangement for Prescott. They left her in a padded room in Hidden Hills, completely drugged up. Play with fire, and you'll be burned. I have zero sympathy.”
I look inward to see if I can find any for her, but I can’t. She’s a stupid girl who chose the wrong side.
We arrive at the understated gates of the facility, the only sign it's more than a country club or expensive estate is the guard that speaks to Greg.
I have my identification again, but Greg doesn’t want it on file. He merely explains that he has an expert interrogator who needs to speak to one of the people they’re detaining. The guard barely glances at me before nodding, mostly because Greg carries serious clout here.
The gates open and Greg rolls up his window before driving through.
“We’re gonna do that once more when we get inside, Lenny. I don’t want any evidence that you were here. Orion and Jordan, funny enough, are both hacking into the prison system. I called your uncle and asked if he wanted to have some fun,” he tells me with a wicked grin.
I can’t help but chuckle, because apparently my uncle is a badass. I’m excited to see him again, if only to talk through some things while I’m not high on drug infused gummy bears.
My fucking mother is a twat, and the worst kind of person. I don’t think I’ll be able to see my favorite candy the same way, either. She ruins everything.
We step out of the car once Greg parks in a restricted parking spot. It’s nice to travel with someone important.
The guards continually try to get my name and identification as we walk through two security checkpoints, but Greg continually gives them reasons to mind their own business. I’m in a gray hooded sweatshirt, my hair and face mostly covered so I’m shrouded within it.
I feel better knowing that Orion and Uncle Jordan will be ensuring that I don’t exist. I don’t think anyone would think to look at the camera feeds of a maximum security holding center in Nowheresville, Kentucky, but Greg isn’t taking any chances.
I let him do his thing, zoning out as I think about what it’ll feel like to be standing in front of the girl who essentially sold me out.
Soon, the guard leading us through the walls, brings us to a meeting room of sorts.
“No touching, hands on the table at all times,” he barks and Greg rolls his eyes at me. Lips pressing together, I nod.