Page 8 of The Lost Melody
I drop my head back, starting to feel tired as my driver gives me hesitant looks.
I don’t really care, as long as I have a place to catch a few hours of sleep. I haven’t heard anything from Derek, but I don’t want to message him first.
It was one thing to obsess about her when she was in the hospital, and Derek and I were working to get her out. It’s quite another for her to face someone who suffocated her for two hours with her perpetual tormentor.
My driver, who I finally found out his name is Vance, gives me the key to the safe house he drops me off at. I am also given the key to the alarm.
I am still thinking as I let myself in, though I am vigilant about turning off the alarm, locking the door, and resetting it.
It’s a one story farmhouse, and there aren’t any neighbors nearby, which is just the way I like it. Walking through the house, I find a room, and flick on the light. It’s done in a gray-blue, and I growl under my breath before flicking off the light.
It reminds me of Lennon’s eyes. The same eyes that looked at me with such terror, reminding me of exactly what kind of monster I am.
She almost killed herself so I wouldn’t touch her. Granted, she thought I worked for Xav, but that’s the risk I knew I would run as a double agent.
Fuck. Pulling off my shirt, I strip down to my boxers before dropping into the bed. I’m too damn tired to shower.
My eyes start to droop, and all I can think of is everything I stand to lose. A chance with Derek. Lennon looking at me with anything other than terror and horror. A family that isn’t constantly trying to use me.
My breath evens out as I fall asleep, and for the first time ever, my dreams are troubled.
My entire body hurts. Blinking, I groan as I struggle to open my eyes. They are so dry, and every ache is waking up to complain.
“Lennon?” says someone and I stiffen until I recognize the voice as Turner’s.
Everything has been a blur since the helicopter, which is probably for the best. I wish the same could be said for the rape kit they performed, even though I told them it wasn’t necessary, no one would be catching them.
The nurses in this tiny hospital convinced me though, and I stared blankly at the wall while they performed the exam. Then, I had thirty-six stitches, reminders of the continuous gifts bestowed upon me by Hidden Hills.
My emotions are fried, and I’m waiting for numbness to descend. Don’t I deserve to check out of this shit show called my life for a bit?
I open my mouth to speak to Turner, but a wracking, bone rattling cough takes over my body instead.
“Shit, baby,” Turner mutters, turning the light on and grabbing me water.
There are all kinds of wires attached to me, and I recognize an IV as I sit up to take the drink. My hand is trembling too much, so Turner shakes his head and holds it so I can take a sip.
Putting the water to the side, he carefully picks me up, taking my place so he can lay me on top of him. I don’t care how many rules this breaks, I refuse to move.
“Mine,” I whisper, rubbing my thumb on the defined muscles of his chest.
Turner gives a happy huff, kissing my forehead, “Forever, baby girl. Are you hungry or need anything?”
It’s been a really long time since I’ve been asked this and I bite my lip, thinking. “Is it weird if I say that I’m not sure?” I ask, my throat tight and sore from coughing.
“Nope. Anything you want, feel, or don’t feel is completely normal right now, little Lavender,” Turner says, rubbing my back.
My eyes grow heavy and I yawn. “I want to get out of here,” I murmur. “I don’t know if that’s possible, but I think I’m allergic to hospitals.”
Turner’s chest rumbles as he chuckles. “I see we have our humor firmly intact, baby. I’ll see how soon we can break you out. There’s a lot to talk about when you think you’re ready, and the guys are in the waiting room, napping.”
“I’m surprised this place has a waiting room,” I tell him with a small smile. I’m glad I’m here and not in a big hospital where there’ll be whispers, possible paparazzi, and stares. “Can I see the guys?”
“You can have just about anything you want. I don’t think I could deny you a damn thing,” Turner rumbles as he grabs the phone and texts them.