Page 26 of Smoke Bomb
Gage opened a door, then stepped inside, keeping his foot on the door so I could enter.
“Before she has a fucking panic attack, I made her come. She’s been in the damn house for days. And she made us apple pie. I had to break her out,” Gage announced as I walked slowly into the room following him.
There was a long table, where I noticed Levi sitting to the far side, a guy I didn’t know across from him, and at the far end was Huck. I met his gaze. A redhead with a tube top on stood behind him. I forced a smile as she looked me over.
“Thanks for consulting me about it,” Huck replied.
Gage shrugged. “I made the call. I don’t answer to you.”
Huck’s jaw clenched, and I set down the garlic bread and pie. I would remain quiet and stay out of the way. He would have no reason to be angry about my being here.
“This looks incredible,” Levi said as Gage set the food down in front of them.
“Fuck, I’m moving in with y’all,” the other guy chimed in.
“Ray-Ray, go fetch the plates and flatware,” Gage said while taking the lids off the lasagna and salad.
The redhead ran her hand over Huck’s shoulder, and I wished I hadn’t watched that. She walked as if she knew everyone was watching her every move. The tiny skirt she had on covered her butt but little else. Her flat, tanned stomach was completely bare. I tore my gaze off her and tried to focus on something else.
“Follow Ray-Ray and take the ice cream to the freezer,” Gage told me.
I silently pleaded with him not to make me go with her, but he cocked an eyebrow, as if to challenge me. Damn him. Why was this so amusing to him? I turned and took the ice cream from the cooler and hurried to catch up with Ray-Ray. What kind of name was that anyway?
She was turning left up ahead, and I walked faster so I wouldn’t lose her. Thankfully, when I turned the corner, I saw her walk into a brightly lit room with a refrigerator in clear view. I slowed down, hoping to give her time to get what she needed so we weren’t in there together long before I made it to the door.
I turned the knob and stepped inside as she put flatware on top of the plates. Her bright green eyes locked on me. There was no way those eyes were real. They were too bright. Almost alien-like. Or I was being critical because she was sexy and worked for Huck.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
I held up the ice cream. “Gage told me to put this in the freezer,” I replied.
She said nothing as I walked over to open the freezer and place the ice cream inside. When I turned around, she was standing there, looking at me. I forced another smile.
“You must be the chubby former fiancée of Huck’s little brother,” she drawled with a smile on her face.
That hurt. She had no idea the old wounds that brought up. I wasn’t fat. I knew that. But I wasn’t her kind of skinny either. I doubted my body would ever be that slim. I tried to exercise. Body image and being called fat were parts of my past that still haunted me. It was clear that the big boobs on her had been bought. But acting like I didn’t want a body like hers would be a lie. She was tall, thin, and had a great boob job.
I managed a nod and headed for the door.
“You might be in his house, but it’s just because of his brother. Huck isn’t into”—she paused and waved her long red nails at me—“all the extra baggage. I keep his dick sucked and taken care of.”
My cheeks heated. There was a part of me that wanted to tell her to fuck off. I didn’t care what she did with Huck. But I also wasn’t so sure making Huck’s female angry was smart. I needed to stay alive. Not piss off the one keeping me alive. Although last night, he’d tried to make the people at his house think I was his. If they knew he liked the Ray-Rays of this world, would that even work?
Smiling at her, I held the door for her since she was carrying all the plates and flatware.
Ray-Ray walked past me with the same sway to her hips, as if I were interested in her body. Perhaps that was how she always walked. I’d worked at a strip club, and there were girls there much like her. However, they hadn’t been so territorial. Neither had they taken shots at my body.
I followed her back to the room the men were in, and the moment I stepped inside, Huck’s eyes locked on me. I dropped my gaze to the floor and walked over to the corner and waited until someone needed me. It was clear Ray-Ray was in charge of feeding the men here. Stepping in her way wasn’t something I wanted to do.
The heat of Huck’s focus on me made me nervous and uncomfortable. I turned my head so that I was looking out the one small window in this room. I should have stayed at the house.
“Trinity, come eat. You worked your ass off on the house today,” Gage called out from the table.
As if I could eat with Ray-Ray watching me. I almost laughed at the idea. I started to tell him I wasn’t hungry.
“I don’t think she’s missing any meals,” Ray-Ray said with a syrupy-sweet accent.
My face flushed, and the heat went from my temples to down my neck. I could deal with the mean girl. Wasn’t the first time.