Page 60 of Smoke Bomb
Oh crap. What did I do here? Was I supposed to accept this or turn him down?
A hand touched my waist, and I turned my head, expecting to see Huck, but instead, Trev stood there with his charming smile aimed at Jasper.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said to me. “I see you’ve met Jasper.”
Jasper’s gaze was now on Trev, and I could see the confusion in his expression. I’d arrived with Huck, but now, Trev was acting as if I belonged with him.
“Yes, she was alone, and I hated to see a beautiful woman standing all by herself,” Jasper replied.
Trev looked at me and winked. “She’s not alone, I promise. It was good to see you, Jasper. Have some of the punch. It’s got an extra kick,” Trev said. Then, with his hand on my back, he led me away from Jasper.
“Punch? Is there really punch here?” I asked. This did not seem like the type of event that would have punch.
“Fuck no,” Trev replied with a smirk. “Jasper thinks he’s more important than he is. His father is new money. Bought into an internet business that ended up exploding about six years ago. They purchased some thoroughbreds from us and pretend to know what the fuck they are doing on the track. They’re also not in the realm of the know when it comes to the family. To them, we are a successful racehorse farm. Nothing more.”
Interesting. I would have thought everyone here knew.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked Trev as we walked away from the main party.
The veranda wrapped around the massive home, and soon, we were out of the twinkling lights.
“To the better party,” he said, leaning down near my ear.
“Better party?” I asked, curious.
A waterfall was the first thing I noticed, but as we got closer, I realized the waterfall was the focal point of a pool. Not just any pool, but one that belonged on some tropical island resort. There was music playing back here, too, but it was over a speaker system, and it was current hits. I looked around and noticed this was a younger crowd. They were dressed just as elegantly, and there was a bar set up back here too. Along with servers walking around with fancy finger foods on their trays.
“That shit back there is torture. I show face throughout the party to keep my father happy, but he allows me to hold my own party back here. Many of them have parents at the stuffy shit that you were being forced to endure, but some are just my friends.”
Huck wouldn’t know where to find me back here. I didn’t want to go back to the other party alone, but I was torn. What if he returned and I wasn’t there?
“As much fun as this seems, I should probably go back to the other party. Huck went inside with your father, but when he returns and can’t find me …” I shrugged.
Trev smirked. “Teach his ass right to leave you to the likes of Jasper fucking Dillard.”
“Maybe, but your dad is his boss,” I pointed out.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine. I’ll go back with you if you want me to. Protect you from the Jaspers until Huck returns.”
He had at least fifty guests back here. It would be selfish of me to ask that of him, although it would make it so much easier on me.
I shook my head. “No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine. Thank you though. I wish I could stay.”
Trev leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’ll check on you later,” he assured me.
I turned and headed back toward the path we’d taken. For a moment, I was alone and could prepare myself to walk back into the intimidating crowd. Hopefully, Huck was back, and I wouldn’t be expected to mingle alone. Maybe Maddy had arrived by now. That would make this enjoyable.
Turning the corner back into the world of twinkling lights and live music, I scanned the crowd for a familiar face. My champagne glass was empty, and I started for the bar when a server walked by with a tray of filled flutes. I exchanged my empty one for a new one, then took a sip while watching the intimidating strangers.
“It is you. When I saw you earlier, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Now, tell me how the fuck you managed to get invited to a party like this one?”
There were moments in life that surprised you. Some were good. Some were painful. Then, there were others that reached inside you and twisted until you couldn’t breathe. It was a level of horror that was hard to put into words.
The latter was one of those moments. Bile rose in my throat, and I had to grip the flute in my hands to keep from dropping it. I was unable to move. If I turned my head even slightly, I’d see him. I was afraid of my reaction if I had to look at that face. For six months, I’d lived in that house, and he’d never come around. My father’s death and Hayes’s death, I’d escaped his return. Tabitha loved to tell people he was unable to be there because he was currently in Guatemala or Honduras with a medical mission’s team. When, in truth, Roy Hayley had never once done anything for someone else out of the goodness of his heart. Vile people didn’t go on mission trips.
“What? No hello for your brother?” he asked.
“Why are you here?” I asked through clenched teeth, refusing to look at the monster in my nightmares.