Page 67 of Smoke Bomb
I heard Gage whisper, “Fuck,” under his breath.
I hadn’t told them about her being a virgin. It wasn’t their damn business. But I wanted them to know. I had taken that pussy, and it was mine now.
“When Mom left, I’d wait until she snuck out of her room to get something to eat. Then, I’d corner her and force her to take off the bandage wrap Mom kept wrapped around her boobs so I could see them.”
“HOW did you make her?”
He swallowed hard, and blood from the cut under his chin ran down his neck. “I pushed her down.” He paused. “Kicked her,” he groaned, “until she was hurt and couldn’t move.”
My entire body was shaking. I had to get this out of him before I unleashed the fury burning through my chest.
“You knocked her unconscious?”
He sobbed. “No. I … I just kicked her. Cracked her ribs, bruised her, knocked the breath out of her.” He cried out even though I hadn’t touched him.
“And?” I bit out, not sure I could handle any more.
“I … I … was horny. She had … her boobs were big. I was a kid.”
I took a step toward him, and he let out a wail.
“I masturbated on her!” he shouted. “I would shoot it on her boobs and sometimes her face. Once, I opened her mouth, and … I’d never seen boobs like hers. I was just a ki—”
The knife slit his throat, and I watched as blood gurgled out of his mouth. His eyes went wide as he choked on his own blood. The life went out of his eyes.
Then, I threw my head back and yelled at the top of my lungs while rage pounded in my veins.
I’d killed the fucker without thinking. I wanted him to suffer more. But I snapped. The image in my head of my Trinity hurt and unable to fucking move while that sick son of a bitch masturbated on her was too much. I’d wanted it to end. Him to fucking stop. I couldn’t take it anymore.
“I wanted a slice at him,” Gage sighed. “Sick fucker. I hope there’s a hell he can burn in.”
Twenty- Nine
Huck’s warm body was behind me when I opened my eyes. His arm was around my waist, and the smell of spice surrounded me. I inhaled deeply and snuggled closer. Closing my eyes again, I started to relax when they snapped back open. I had to make breakfast. I’d slept so hard that I had no idea what time it was. Huck was still asleep, so that was a good sign. My internal clock was pretty accurate.
I started to ease out of his hold when his arm locked down tight on me, and he pulled me back against him, making a grunting sound. Smiling, I tilted my head back to see he was still asleep—or at least partly. I waited a minute, then tried again to ease out from under his arm, but this time, he rolled onto his back and brought me with him until part of my body lay across him.
His eyes met mine then. The sleepy look with his half-hooded gaze was sexy. I wanted to stay down here with him, but just because I was screwing him didn’t mean I was free from my jobs.
“I have to go make breakfast,” I reminded him, then placed a kiss on his chest.
“Not this morning,” he mumbled. “Staying your ass in this bed with me.”
Laughing, I reached up and touched his face. I loved his face. He might possibly have the best face on the planet.
“Gage and Levi will be upset. They need to be fed.”
“They’re not here,” he replied, then pushed me back and hovered over me. He lowered his head and kissed my collarbone, then my neck. “You’re staying right here with me all fucking day,” he whispered in my ear.
I shivered. That sounded wonderful.
“You don’t have to work today?” I asked.
“Gage and Levi are going into the shop for me today.”
“So, we are going to do what in bed all day?”