Page 11 of Teacher - Voyeur
“You ready?” Carina asked, almost bouncing in her seat.
“Oh, come on. This is awesome. You’ve got this, and it’s awesome you’re taking your sexuality into your own hands. You’re a lady boss, and no one can take that away from you.”
A lump built in my throat, and I forced it down. This woman didn’t owe me anything, and all this was happening because of her.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime,” she said with a wink.
My bracelet vibrated, and I almost fell off my seat.
“You’ve got this,” she said one more time.
I walked down the hall until I reached the designated room.
“Miss Brandt?” a large bouncer asked.
Daniel had explained that each room was protected by a guard to make sure everyone was safe and secure both inside and out of the room.
“Head on in. Just flip the switch to let everyone know you’re ready to begin. I’m John. Let me know if I can get anything for you.”
He opened the door, and I walked into a dimly lit room that looked a lot like a living room. A large white rug stretched across the floor with a dark leather couch and two chairs on each side. There were end tables and lamps to give the room a soft, warm glow.
The only thing not like a typical living room was the lube, handcuffs, towels, condoms, and a slew of other items on a shelf behind the couch. That and the large, floor-to-ceiling, one-way glass window that let me look into the room beyond, which looked like a typical bedroom. Bed, dresser, nightstand, lamp. It was all so normal.
Turning back to the couch, I saw a binder laying on one of the end tables, and I jumped back when I barely lifted the front cover and saw pictures of purple dildos and who knew what else.
Shaking out my arms and stretching my neck, I tried again and even flipped through the selection of sex toys and extras I could request. A high-pitched giggle broke free at the colorful array of penises laid out. Swallowing, I decide to save those for another time. This was more of a test to see if I could even make it through. I’d watched porn on a computer and got turned on, but to see it in real life would push me to my limits of fears.
I turned back to the closed door and saw the switch. With a shaking hand, I took a deep breath and flipped it up. A green light appeared right on the other side of the window, and I guessed that was the cue to begin. On jello-like legs, I stumbled to the couch and barely perched on the edge.
My heart thundered like a stampede of horses, and I sat ramrod straight, unable to relax. Squeezing and relaxing my fists, I tried to get feeling back into my sweaty hands.
I almost bounced off the couch when the door to the left opened, and a couple walked in hand-in-hand. It all started innocuous enough. Light kisses, roaming hands. They stripped down to their underwear, and he took her bra off before they both climbed in bed under the covers.
The first wave of anxiety hit me when he tossed his boxers on the floor. The second was when he sucked on her breast. The third was when I heard their groans and saw the movement of his hips flexing between her thighs.
Tighter and tighter the band around my chest squeezed until I could barely breathe.
Trying to ease the pressure before it became too much, my eyes flicked from one side of the room to the next, looking for and cataloging five red items.
One, the lamp on the nightstand. Two, her bra lying on the floor. Three, a tab sticking out of the binder.
More moans crept through.
Four, a bottle of lube shining on the shelf.
“Your pussy is so tight,” he groaned. “Do you like my fat cock fucking you?”
The band snapped, and I crumbled. Everything I’d held together broke free and spun and spun like a hurricane I couldn’t escape. Chaos and memories slammed into me and caged me in my worst nightmare.
The room shrunk, and the need to escape became more important than my need to breathe. I stumbled from the couch, fumbled with the handle of the door, and burst free, almost slamming into John. He caught me, his eyes pinched and confused, his hands on my shoulders only adding fuel to the fire.
I jerked back, hitting the wall before running.
Only to hit another wall.
Although, this wall was holding me in place and saying my name over and over.
Trembling, I tried to push back until the wall shook me and barked my name.
“Hanna. Look at me.”
With my hands against his chest, I slowly looked up into ice-blue eyes.
“Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”
Adrenaline flooded my veins, preparing me for battle, ready to take down whoever came into my club to hurt her after I guaranteed her safety.