Page 19 of Jarrn
And maybe tonight, we’ll do more than oral.
“Just want you to know how proud I am of how you performed last night,” I say, linking my arm through his and leaning into his side as we leave our room and walk down the hall.
“It felt magical,” he gushes, still high from last night.
“The way you thrust your hips, and that sword battle. I still get chills when I remember.”
He stops me in the hall and lifts me up, pressing me against a wall. His mouth slants across mine and, like always, heat spirals through me. I have a feeling I’m always going to spark for him.
“Jeez, guys,” a Brustaleene female says as she passes us in the hall. A scowl twists her bright orange lips downward. “Kids are around. Don’t give them a show.”
“No, save that for the stage or for when we’re alone in our room,” I whisper.
He grins and presses me harder against the wall. “Do you want me to give you a special show later?”
Swoon. “Yes, please.” Maybe we should skip the cooking class and return to our room. But then I’d miss out on what sounds like a fun time. There might be other classes like this one, but I didn’t see any on the next month’s schedule. Reluctantly, I slide down his body, placing my feet–and my pulse rate–firmly on the ground where they belong as long as we remain in public.
Holding hands, we continue down the hall.
“Cooking?” Jarrn says with a shake of his head as we step into the lift.
“I need all the help I can get.” I’d done my best to make meals for him, but I could scorch something without even turning on the burner.
“Your meals were amazing,” he says, rubbing his belly.
“That’s really sweet of you to say, but we both know I’m never going to amaze anyone.”
“Then let’s do it. If we’re in luck, we’ll make something simple you can recreate once we’re home.”
I shoot him a grin. From the limited bits of the description I read to him back in our room, he must think we’ll stand at an island, making something under the direction of the instructor. But from the reviews I skimmed on my comm, there’s more to this “cooking” class than just food. Steamy stuff that has nothing to do with boiling water. “You’re going to love it.”
We step into the lift.
An arm darts out, and the doors spring backward.
Kaida’s nephew enters the lift, breathing fast. “Whoa, baby. Just caught you.” His bright orange eyes are only for Jarrn, but I understand why. My boyfriend’s the star of the monster review. I’m happy to hang out while he shines.
Ishe my boyfriend, though? We haven’t talked about anything like that, but we’re together now. I’m his and I’ve claimed him as mine. That must mean something.
“I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Strogoff,” he says, jutting out his hand.
Jarrn shoots me a smile so full of excitement, it gathers me up and sweeps me along with him. “I’m Jarrn, as you know.”
“I realize this is an odd place for a conversation, my young male, but you’ve been tough to track down,” Strogoff says with a shake of one of his fourteen fingers. “I was wondering if you’d be open to discussing your future career sometime.”
“Future career?” Jarrn gulps, his fingers tightening around mine. “I’d love to get together for something like that.”
He’s as swept up by Strogoff as I am with him. My grin takes them both in, but only Jarrn’s paying much attention to me.
“I believe I can offer you something that will amaze you,” Strogoff says.
“Like what?”
Strogoff chuckles. “This is not the time to talk about something as wonderful as that. You’re with your lovely . . . friend. Why don’t we set up a time to talk alone together, say, tomorrow morning after breakfast?”
The elevator pings. Not our floor, but Strogoff hit this button.
“That sounds awesome,” Jarrn gushes. “Nine? Ten? What works for you?”