Page 24 of Jarrn
It’s all I can do to stand upright as our platform returns to the starting point. My legs are rubbery. My body’s rubbery. And a low hum echoes within me. I don’t think I can be much happier.
Our Bulobard instructor beams at us all as our platforms settle into their original positions. “Would anyone like to share what they made?”
Low laughter rings out, and not a single hand goes up.
“Come, come. There are prizes for the best entrees.”
More laughter greets her words.
“As I thought,” she says. “It’s odd.” She taps her chin. “My classes end with thrilled cruisers, but never a meal in sight. I can’t imagine why that happens.” Her snicker makes everyone grin. “Will I see any of you for my next lesson tomorrow night?”
Jarrn has to work. I should too. I’ve gotten barely anything done during the cruise. I was ahead, but I won’t be for long if I don’t sit at the tiny desk in our room and make progress.
“I’ll see you all on the ship at one time or another!” she says as a few of our fellow chefs walk over to her platform to get the details about the next class. From their rumpled clothing, I’d say we all had an amazing time.
“We should definitely take another class in the future,” I tell Jarrn as we leave the room holding hands.
“I agree.”
I feel as if he and I crossed an enormous, gutted cavern to find utopia on the other side. We keep pausing in the hall to kiss, and it’s all I can do not to strip off his clothing, push him against a wall, and climb all over him.
“Want to get something to eat?” he asks when we pause outside our room.
“Sure, I’m starved. It’s not like we ate much during our cooking class.”
“I ate a fine meal.” It stuns me to see him so happy, and it makes me realize once again how lucky I am. “Perhaps your meal is waiting for you in our room?”
Holding both of his hands, I lean into him, savoring his scent and warmth. “I’m planning on a snack later.”
We enter the staff dining room, making our way through the line to collect food. The variety is decent, something I didn’t expect. For some reason, I thought they’d feed us peon’s gruel. Instead, we appear to eat with almost as good a variety as the paid cruisers.
Our plates loaded, we turn to the main dining room. I spy an empty table and nudge my shoulder in that direction.
But instead of heading that way, Jarrn shoots me a sly smile.
“How about a picnic?” he asks.
“Sure.” I tilt my head, frowning. “Where do you have in mind? I suppose we could go to our room and sit on the bed.” There wasn’t enough floor space, though we could cram ourselves in between the desk and the bed.
“I’ve got a fun place in mind,” he says.
While he’s off duty, that doesn’t mean we’re allowed to go anywhere we want on the ship.
“I got permission for us to use a stargazer pod for the evening,” he says.
“Really?” I read something about them, though I can’t remember what. I dismissed the idea of using one when I discovered it’s almost impossible to book one while on board. Most of the guests made reservations months before their cruise. “How did you obtain something like that?”
“I’ve got an in with Captain Xurek.”
“Alright, then. Lead the way.”
We pack our meals in to-go containers and scoot from the dining area, taking a lift all the way to the top of the ship.
“This way,” he says, guiding me down a hall, then another. Soon, I’m lost, though I bet Jarrn knows exactly where we are. “We’re in number twelve.”