Page 26 of Jarrn
“Gorgeous, isn’t it?” Delia asks, and I nod.
We won’t be meeting in a bump-out in the hallway, though. Strogoff reserved us a well-appointed conference room with computers recessed into the tabletops at each station.
I barely slept last night, tossing and turning as I pondered what the male might offer as well as considering what I truly want. Like almost every child, I dreamed of a career in vids. How could I watch action heroes or leading romantic males up on the big screen and not want to trade places with them?
Ten years ago, I chose the sensible path when I went to firefighting school. There’s a time when childish hopes and dreams need to be replaced with realistic goals.
I thought I’d pushed my acting aspirations to the back of my mind, but when Strogoff hinted that he might offer me an acting job, my desire to be in vids rushed back at me with a vengeance.
Before we reach the conference room, I tug Delia into a private bump-out, place my hands on her shoulders and tell her.
“I haven’t let myself dream big for a long time, Delia, but if Strogoff makes me a decent offer, I’m going to consider it. I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
She places her palm on my cheek and smiles. “I’ve always wanted your happiness Jarrn.”
Strogoff is waiting for us outside the room, looking stylish in the fashion I hear is all the rage in the highest echelons of entertainment. I believe he’s wearing what my mom would call a caftan. It’s covered with flowers of every hue. There’s even a matching turban. My friends and I would have gotten a huge laugh out of this outfit when we were kids.
“Right on time.” Strogoff nods approvingly as he escorts us into the room, the centerpiece of which is an oblong wooden table that seats ten. There’s a silver tea service waiting for us in the middle, wisps of steam curling out of the spout.
“Make yourself at home.” He indicates the tea, then pointedly looks at Delia, who is taking a seat to my right. “I’m sorry Delia, there’s no delicate way to put this. Unless you are Jarrn’s agent, I’d prefer to speak to him alone.”
I didn’t expect this, and my glance darts to Delia to see how she’s taking it. Proving again why I feel such deep affection for her, she handles it well, barely showing the sting his words surely caused.
“Oh, of course.” She stands, then grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. She knew I was nervous and is giving me her support. This is a female of worth.
As Strogoff escorts her from the room, he apologizes again. “Why don’t I give you a summary after our conversation? I’d like to be the one to explain things to you.”
I did my due diligence and researched him on the Intergalactic Database. He’s a talent agent for vids. I expected him to offer me a walk-on in a horror movie, and if the price is right, I’ll be happy to take it.
I’m having fun on the cruise now, but that tiny room and the constant travel are going to wear thin soon, and I’ve got to think of my future. If Delia and I are going to take our relationship to the next level, I’m going to need a steady income stream. Monster movies will never go out of style.
“I took a vid of your performance the other day, ran it by a few large production companies, and got an offer from Dreamscape, one of the biggest in the galaxy. When you sign me as your agent, at the going rate, we’ll begin negotiations immediately.”
This is better than I expected. The larger the company, the bigger the paycheck. I feel like the villain in a movie who rubs his hands together in glee.
“Dreamscape wants you to read for the part of Amerson in the reboot of the tremendously successful Male of Boursen series. They are very interested. Unless you completely botch your audition, we’re talking mid-seven figures for each of the five scheduled vids.”
I feel like that moment in the movies when the hero is in the middle of a bomb explosion and after the concussion, all the words become distorted. My head’s spinning, and I can’t hear a word Strogoff’s saying. In fact, my vision is so blurry, I can’t see his lips move.
A moment later, I regain my senses, shake my head, and find the ability to ask him to repeat himself.
He smiles and clasps my hand for a brief moment, then removes it to take a sip of tea.
“Young man, unless you botch your audition, you’re going to be signing a contract worth millions of credits.”
Not knowing what to do with myself, I rise from my seat, then slam back down.
“Y-yes! Absolutely! When do we start?” My hand is shaking so violently I can’t bring my cup to my lips. “Can you call Delia back in? Tell her what you told me? I want her to hear the good news from you.”
His smile wavers for the slightest moment, then he looks me straight in the eyes and says, “How about this? Why don’t you hurry to your cabin to pack? I’ll inform the ship’s staff of your departure. Don’t worry about that.”
We both stand as he continues, “I’ve hired a vessel that is already powering-up in the hold, ready to take us to the space station for the audition. Because time is of the essence, why don’t you take that side door? It will get you to your cabin faster. While you’re doing that, I’llexplainthings to the female.”
I’m still so excited I can barely process his words, but I register his urgency when he says, “Meet me in the docking bay in fifteen minutes.”