Page 8 of Jarrn
“You’re amazing,” I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Your moves are perfect, and your stage presence stunned the audience.”
“You’re sweet to say that, Delia.”
I’m happier than I’ve been since the fire. I’m in his arms, and he’s holding me as if I matter. I touch my nose to his, a silly, funny, teasing thing.
While the crowd hoots around us, probably thinking this is part of the show, he slants his mouth across mine, kissing me.
All higher thought is wiped out of my mind. All I can pay attention to is Delia. Her warm, plush lips are on mine. Her body is pressed against me. Somehow, her legs are straddling me. If her rock-hard nipples were made of anything firmer than flesh, they’d cut my skin.
There are hundreds of people in this venue, but the only scent I smell is Delia. Beautiful Delia who consumes my free time and haunts my dreams. Delia, who commanded my attention during every song. Delia, who I dedicated every hard thrust to while I was on stage no matter what direction I was looking.
Delia, whose palms are pressed to my nape and across my back as if she would rather die than release me. I can’t recall how she got in this position, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let her go.
My veins are racing with adrenaline, filling me with so much energy I couldn’t put the brakes on even if I wanted to. I ply her pert pink lips with mine, then barge through their barrier and get my first taste of her.
Nothing in my lifetime prepared me for anything that tastes as good as this. As I clutch her closer, it takes every brain cell I possess to juggle the awareness between this kiss and the scent of arousal billowing from between her thighs.
Kill me now. My cock is as hard as steel and the need to spend is barreling at me with the force of a monsoon on the dark side of Melator.
“How much do I have to pay for a kiss?” someone says. “Not just any kiss. I want a kiss likethat!”
The spell is broken, and my world crashes down on me in increments. It’s as if I was just dropped into my life from somewhere else.
First, I’m aware I’m in the Monsters’ venue, the house lights now up and shining far too brightly to pretend this isn’t happening. Then I’m aware of Delia’s scant weight in my arms, her thighs wrapped tightly around me, and the shocked look on her face as if she can’t believe we were just kissing.
That makes two of us.
Then there’s the green-haired Ammonite standing beside us who wants a kiss. Her eyes are shining with lust, her gaze attempting to laser between Delia and me so she can get a closer inspection of my cock.
It’s only after I let Delia slide down my body that I realize my hard-as-stone erection has tented my silver-spangled loincloth. One spotlight seems to be focused directly on it, so the reflection throws sparkles in all directions, drawing every eye in the room.
“How much?” The Ammonite’s voice is insistent.
I’ve always been a tolerant male, but this female’s attitude makes me want to strangle her.
“My body is not for sale.” My voice is more indignant than I have a right to be, considering I just stripped and thrust my way through an entire show.
“I’ll pay what she’s paying.”
“I’ll see you back in the cabin,” I murmur to Delia, then give the Ammonite a shake of my head and a curt, “No, thank you,” as I hurry to the changing room.
Luckily, most of the males have taken off. It’s such a short walk to their cabins, none of them use the two showers located in the staff bathroom.
The last thing I want to do is hurry back to our cabin. Instead, I take a long shower. When there’s nothing left to wash, I just stand under the spray until the mechanism’s governor turns off. Water’s a precious commodity onboard a vessel.
No matter how long I stall, I’ll still have to return to the room–and Delia. How did she wind up in my arms? Was I so carried away by lust and excitement I tipped my hand and did what I’ve been dying to do since shortly after we met? Did I stride to her and lift her into my arms and force a kiss upon her?
Regret rolls through me so fast and thick it leaves a burned taste in my mouth.
I stride back into the dressing room, which is filled with little stations, each with its own mirror. As much as I try to avoid my reflection, there are twenty Jarrns staring back at me. Each and every mirror contains a picture of a monster.
For a moment, I’m reminded of Delia’s aroused scent, so strong it overpowered all the others in the room.
“Ahh,” I say to the empty room.