Page 21 of Loving a Cowgirl
“I think I believe you,” she murmured. “While I agree with Wade that you’re kinda weird, I get the sense that you have a good heart.”
Tad grew quiet, causing her to finally look at him. When she did, he was staring off behind her. She itched to turn around to see what he was so focused on, but part of her already knew he wasn’t paying attention to anything.
Brielle reached forward and touched his arm. He jumped and gazed at her, his blue eyes clear and striking. She retreated, blinking a few times. “You okay?”
His easy smile returned. “Of course, love. I’m here with you, aren’t I? This is exactly where I’m meant to be. Now, what’s good to eat here?”
They spent their dinner talking about their families and all the other usual stuff one might discuss. Tad didn’t have any siblings, so her large family fascinated him. He was born in Australia and moved to the States when he was a teen, then grew up in Texas. He had a job as a dancer when they’d met—something she hadn’t remembered.
If her father learned about this, she didn’t know what she would do. It would be best to keep that part of their past a secret. Overall, their dinner was pleasant. It was easy to see why she had been won over by him when she was younger. The romantic in her was practically drooling over the idea of him.
When their dinner was over, Tad offered to get her ice cream, but she refused. “I think that would fall under the rule I made when I said that we couldn’t be sneaky.”
He chuckled, understanding flooding his features. “Because I said I’d take you to dinner.”
“Well then, I’ll get you home.” He captured her hand in his and lifted it to his lips. “I wouldn’t want to break any of the rules. I want you to feel like you can trust me.”
“Thanks.” Goosebumps spread across her whole body as his soft lips grazed her knuckles. Then he dropped her hand and opened the door of his Jeep for her to climb inside. Brielle watched him walk around the front of the vehicle and then get behind the wheel. This first date hadn’t been as scary as she’d thought it would be.
She’d considered asking Wade to come to town and be nearby but then thought better of it. Her nerves were unwarranted. And it wasn’t like she hadn’t spent her fair share with strangers before.
It was this strange situation that had brought everything into what felt like an alternate universe.
Tad dropped her off at her door and left without making it awkward. She stood beneath the porch lights until his taillights disappeared behind the trees lining the edge of the property. Then she turned to head inside.
Twigs snapped and she jumped, spinning around to find Wade at the edge of the porch. “Wade!” she hissed. “What are you doing here?”
Wade froze like he was a deer in the midst of an open field and there were guns trained on him. Then he straightened and faced the woman before him. “I’m not breaking the rules,” he insisted.
She crossed her arms, giving him a pointed look. “Really? Because it sure looks like that’s exactly what you’re doing.”
He shook his head. “I’m only here to make sure he got you home before curfew.”
Brielle threw her head back and groaned. “I’m twenty-eight. I don’t have a curfew.”
“Well, maybe you should,” he shot back. His heart had been racing since the moment Tad had left his property, that smug grin on his face. Tad knew he was getting the upper hand by taking Brielle out on a date first. But that wasn’t what Wade was more concerned about.
They barely knew this guy. What would stop him from carting Brielle off somewhere and doing something to her? Somethingbad.
Wade shivered, pushing away the sick feeling he got in his stomach. His attention landed on Brielle, realizing she was mid-rant.
“This is what I’m talking about. You can’t just show up here and upend the rules I made. It’s none of your business how long I spend with Tad, nor would it be any of his when I’m with you. I can take care of myself—”
“That’s where you’re wrong.”
She snapped her mouth shut and her eyes narrowed.
“What I’m trying to say is that you’re a woman and—”
“Excuse me? Are you seriously saying I can’t protect myself?” She marched toward him, down the steps and stopped when she was inches from him. “Do you want to take that back?”