Page 23 of Loving a Cowgirl
“Why not?”
“Whynot? Gee, I don’t know. I’m a total disaster. I don’t deserve to have someone—”
“I’m going to stop you right there.” Wade shook his head. “You’re amazing, Bri.”
She snorted. “No, I’m not.”
“Will youlistento me? The woman I know—”
“The woman you know has no idea what she’s doing. Seriously, Wade. Every relationship I’ve been in, I’ve pushed the guy away. I always find something to put between us. That’s why none of them stick around.” She placed her drink beside her and didn’t meet his gaze again. Her eyes narrowed, and the other muscles in her face pinched like she was trying to hold back tears.
Wade’s heart hurt for her. None of what she described sounded like the Brielle he knew. Even when he would watch her interact with the guys she would go on dates with, he’d notice her confidence in the way she held herself.
He couldn’t remember a single instance of her showing weakness. Until now.
She took in a shuddering breath. Her shoulders drooped. “I’m so sorry.”
Wade didn’t know what he was supposed to do. The fact that Brielle was willing to be so raw with him had to be a good thing, right? He could tell her that she was wrong and attempt to fix this. But he’d tried that already. Brielle had refused to let him do a single thing.
Instead, he pulled her against him, his arm around her shoulders. He nearly expected her to fight him, to push him away like she’d mentioned earlier. But she didn’t.
Brielle leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her warmth seeped into him the longer they sat there. Crickets chirped, and the breeze rustled the leaves of the trees nearby. Wade lost track of how long they sat there, distracted by the fuzzy feelings that enveloped him as he sat with Brielle. Her hair had just enough floral undertones that when a gust of wind tugged at it, he felt he was in a field of wildflowers.
If someone were to freeze time right here, right now, he would be happy. He could almost pretend that he’d been successful in winning her over and there was no more competition with someone who shouldn’t even be a problem.
A strong part of him wanted to press a searching kiss to her lips—to ask her to give everything to him. He could take her fears and insecurities. He would make her laugh. He’d provide for her. He wanted to be everything his parents were supposed to be for him.
Lights flashed on the other side of the property and she stiffened, pulling away so quickly it felt like he’d been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water. She scrambled to her feet, nearly knocking her drink over.
“You don’t think it’s Tad, do you?”
“Who cares?” he muttered.
“Ido.” She scowled at him. “You’re not supposed to be here. You need to leave.”
Wade clambered to his feet. “What? You realize that’s ridiculous, right?” He jutted a finger toward the oncoming car. “If thatisTad, then he’s breaking the rules too.”
She shot him a look that said she wasn’t prepared to argue with him. Or maybe she was trying to tell him that he wouldn’t win this argument.
The car pulled to a stop, lighting them both up briefly before the occupants climbed out.
Shane climbed out first and hurried around the front of the car to open the door for Eloise. Brielle relaxed visibly, smiling at her sister. “Hey, guys. What were you up to tonight?”
“Just doing some work at the country club.”
Brielle scrunched her nose. “That doesn’t sound fun at all.”
Eloise moved closer to her fiancé, her smile widening. “When you find that special someone, even the most mundane work is fun.” Her eyes landed on Wade. “What’s going on with you? I thought you said you had a date with someone I didn’t know. We know Wade.” She winked at him.
He tried not to feel offended when Brielle scooted a few inches away from him. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms. Her walls had officially come up, and so fast it made his head spin. She gestured toward Wade vaguely. “He’s got a cousin visiting—real cute.”
Eloise lifted her brows, but it was Shane’s reaction that Wade noticed more. He looked visibly ill.
Brielle’s demeanor shifted again. She reached out toward Eloise. “It’s getting late. Come on. Let’s get inside and I’ll tell you all about him.”
Eloise glanced toward Shane even as Brielle tugged her up the stairs. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”
Brielle paused right before she opened the door. She turned her head over her shoulder and offered Wade a small smile. “Goodnight, Wade.”