Page 3 of Loving a Cowgirl
Apparently, she needed more practice.
Wade shut his truck door, then walked around his truck and leaned against the front, blocking one of the headlights. He crossed his arms as he stared at her. His deep green eyes had a way of locking her in place and draining her of all the strength she had. It was moments like this one where she had the hardest time coming to terms with her inability to fixthe mess. Why couldn’t she just bite the bullet and take the necessary steps to get her marriage voided?
Because that would be to admit publicly the embarrassing mistakes she’d made when she was younger.
She dug deep, drawing out the words that were painful for even her to say. “You can wait all you want, Wade Keagan, but I’m not going to be yours. I’m not going to be anyone’s.”
The reaction she’d expected from him didn’t happen. In fact, he didn’t react at all—just kept staring at her like he knew something she didn’t.
Brielle threw her hands into the air. “What is wrong with you? Don’t you understand the word no?”
He cocked his head, those penetrating eyes delving even deeper into her core. “My parents abandoned my family when I was eighteen. There were twelve of us, and they all looked to me. I spent the next fourteen years taking care of them. Now I’m going to take care of myself.” He pushed away from his truck. “I’m done playing this cat-and-mouse game you seem to find so entertaining. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you aren’t dating as regularly as you used to.” He stopped directly in front of her, the lights from his truck making him appear as if he glowed. “And I think I know why.”
She had to tilt her chin to meet his gaze even in her heels. Wade had to be the tallest, most intimidating man she had ever met. He could probably do a barn raising all on his own if he wanted to. Wade was the kind of guy you didn’t want to meet in a dark alley, and yet when he was with her, he was…sweet. Goosebumps attacked her arms and legs and her throat closed up, making her one-word question sound hoarse and strained. “Why?”
Wade didn’t touch her, though he did dip his face closer to hers as if he was determined to get his point across. “Because I think there’s a small part of you that recognizes how good we could be together,” he whispered.
Another wave of goosebumps rose on her arms, and she rubbed at them furiously to ease the taut nature of her skin. “I think you’re just full of yourself,” she muttered. “Go find a girl who wants to be with you, because that’s not me.”
He straightened. A flicker of pain flashed in his eyes. “Why are you fighting this so much? You can’t tell me that you don’t feel this—connection—we have.”
She looked away. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
His finger hooked beneath her chin, and her eyes met his searching gaze. Her face was hot, and not even the gentle breeze that tugged at her hair and fanned her skin could bring her relief. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t even shut her eyes. So instead, she glowered at him.
“Mark my words, Bri. There is no other woman for me. I’ll have you or no one at all.”
“Then you’re going to be a lonely man.” She spit out the words before she realized what she was saying and immediately regretted it for no other reason than the brief disappointment she witnessed. It didn’t last long.
Wade had proven time and time again that he didn’t give up. She’d witnessed his determination first-hand.
He didn’t have a choice when it came to her. She wasn’t going to give in. He’d have to give up eventually. He just needed to find a new girl to be infatuated with.
Rather than apologize and take back what she said, she bit down hard and gritted her teeth until it was almost painful. She should probably count herself lucky they didn’t live during the period of time when men could drag their women off and force them to be their wives.
It wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination to see Wade doing just that.
Brielle tore her chin from his grasp and climbed up a step behind her. “Perhaps I should help you find someone else to help you with the renovations to your home. I don’t think—”
“You can’t make me work for you.”
“You’re right. But I don’t have to accept help from anyone else. Besides, Charlie isn’t going to let anyone else into her room. You know how long it took for her to accept that you weren’t going to mess up her stuff.”
“She’ll get over it. She’s fourteen. She’s gonna have to grow up eventually.” Brielle shoved down the ache that attempted to rear its head with his statement. She’d been helping them for nearly two years, and it had taken a lot to win the young girl’s trust. But Brielle had to be honest with herself. She needed to put some distance between herself and Wade if she was going to save either of them from heartache. “Goodnight, Wade.”
Wade slammed his truck door shut and stomped toward his front porch. The exterior had improved greatly since Brielle had started helping out.
And that was the problem.
Everywhere he looked, he could see evidence of her. He could hear her laughter. Smell her intoxicating scent. It had taken him almost a full year to officially ask her out, and he’d been thrilled when she’d accepted.
But then something changed after their fourth date. She’d grown distant, and then she started making excuses as to why she couldn’t go out.