Page 49 of Loving a Cowgirl
Brielle wandered toward the house.The ranch was its usual buzz of activity. All the Keagans were doing their various chores, from taking care of the animals to seeing to the various crops they’d started in the spring.
There was not one single member of this family that didn’t pull their own weight. Somehow Wade had managed to keep them all together and instill a decent work ethic.
At least, that was what she could see, but even she knew better than to assume that this large family didn’t come with its own share of problems just beneath the surface. A lot of the Keagans kept to themselves. She only interacted with a handful of the oldest ones and Charlie.
Annabel exited the house just as Brielle made it to the front porch. She paused, her hand on the doorknob as her eyes met Brielle’s. There was a bit of uncertainty in those eyes. Annabel was one of those people who was far more guarded. It was probably due to the fact that she and Wade had been the ones responsible for their siblings for the past decade and a half.
Brielle flashed her a smile. “Hey, Annabel.”
“If you’re looking for Tad—”
Brielle shook her head. “Actually, I’m looking for Wade.”
The woman’s eyes still kept everything hidden, locked away behind her blue gaze. If there was anyone in this family who didn’t trust easily, it was her. She probably even rivaled Wade in that respect. Then again, Wade kept everything close to his heart except when he was around Brielle.
That simple acknowledgment of the different way he treated her was all it took to send Brielle’s stomach into a flurry of motion. She pushed her hands into her pockets. “He came to see me last night and I missed him.”
Annabel huffed. “That’s not what I heard.”
Brielle could feel the heat rising to fill her face and knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. She looked over toward the barn and back. “Is he out working? Or is he doing office stuff?”
Annabel crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. “I don’t get it.”
“You don’t get what?” Brielle sighed.
“I don’t get why you’re doing any of this. Clearly, you don’t care about Wade as much as he cares about you. I definitely don’t see what it is about you that has him all hot and bothered, but at least he’s not being two-faced about it.”
Anger seethed inside Brielle, and her hands clenched at her sides. “I’m not being two-faced.”
“If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have to defend yourself.” Annabel’s voice was matter of fact. She didn’t seem to be getting angry. In fact, her ability to remain calm threw Brielle for a loop. Annabel moved closer. “If you really cared about my brother, you wouldn’t be putting him through any of this. We both know he worships the ground you walk on, and yet you continue to flaunt the fact that you are dating Tad, too.”
For the first time in Brielle’s life, she felt like throwing someone to the ground to make a point wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Unfortunately, that would not only make her a hypocrite, but the action would be in vain. Annabel was the kind of person who could knock the wind out of a person with one deathly look.
The woman before her was not to be trifled with. She’d been through battle after battle, and Brielle knew she wouldn’t stand a chance if pitted against her.
“Why?” Annabel asked.
“Why, what?”
“Why should I do anything that would allow you to continue hurting Wade?”
Her words were like a sucker punch. Did she really think Brielle was hurting Wade?
Annabel tilted her head and her eyes narrowed as she continued to scrutinize Brielle. Then they widened slightly. “Wait a minute. You actuallydohave feelings for him.”
Brielle stiffened. “Of course I do.”
She snorted. “You have a funny way of showing it.”
If Annabel knew all of the details surrounding Brielle’s agreement with both of the men in her life, maybe she wouldn’t be so judgmental.
Brielle let out an exasperated groan. “Will you just tell me where he is so I can talk to him? It’s really important.”
Annabel closed the remaining distance between them. She was already tall, so with her being a few steps higher, it forced Brielle to tilt her head at an almost painful angle. “I’ll tell you where you can find him, but you’re going to sit here and listen, first.”
Whatever it was that Annabel wanted to talk about sounded incredibly serious. It was moments like this that Brielle really wished she had Wade here to hold her hand. “I’m listening.” Brielle hated how her voice cracked, giving away just how uncomfortable she was under Annabel’s narrowed stare.
“Wade is the most genuine person on this planet. He’s been through the thick of it and still managed to come out on the other side. He’s got his scars, and he doesn’t need you adding to them. So when I tell you that I will end you if you break his heart, know that I mean it.”