Page 53 of Loving a Cowgirl
Music filled the country club. Brielle had been here so often since Shane had opened the place. Almost every weekend until recently, she’d managed to find a guy who didn’t mind spinning her around the dance floor. Then the next week, she’d find someone new.
There was no shortage of guys who had come from neighboring cities to take part in this unique atmosphere.
Brielle waited near the bar, continuing to grow more anxious by the moment. Wade hadn’t shown up yet. It was her fault. She shouldn’t have come on so strong back at his ranch. She could have offered to come to the club together. That would have been better.
Every time the door opened across the room, her eyes darted in that direction. Maybe he was still upset about the fact that she once had feelings for Shane.
Nope. It was probably that she wasn’t willing to give Tad the boot even though she had her reasons.
Or it could be related to how she’d neglected to say she loved him. He’d already confessed that his feelings ran deeper than the Colorado River. But somehow, she’d been unable to share that sentiment… at least out loud.
Why couldn’t she get past those feelings of fear? Wade had more than proven himself. The likelihood that he would just up and disappear was next to none. Her doubt was still too great.
She nibbled on the side of her thumb, her gaze once again drifting toward the door when another group entered. If he didn’t show up soon, she’d—
She’d what?
Brielle sucked in a deep breath and turned toward the bar.
That’s what she’d do. She wasn’t about to let anyone see that she’d been stood up, and by Wade Keagan, no less. If nothing else, she’d keep her reputation intact.
“You look beautiful tonight.” The male whisper rushed along her skin, making it tingle like she had touched one of those science balls with the lightning bolts inside. She smiled, relishing the relief that he had come.
She grabbed her cup and turned to face him, and her expression fell.
Tad’s side was propped up against the counter and he wore a crooked grin. From the cowboy hat on his head right down to the boots on his feet, he looked the part. No one would suspect he wasn’t exactly who they’d all been telling everyone he was.
Wade’s cousin.
Her hand tightened around the glass so hard she thought she might break it. “Tad,” she hissed, “What are you doing here?”
He let his eyes sweep through the room before they landed on her with adoration. “I heard you were going to be here tonight.”
“Yeah. Because I told you this was where Wade and I were going to be.”
“Really? Because when I left the ranch a little bit ago, he was still there.”
Her stomach dropped, bottoming out until it reached the floor. Wade was still at his house? Why hadn’t he called her? This had to be a mistake. Had she told him the wrong time?
Tad moved closer to her, grazing her jawline with a knuckle. “I’m sorry, love. You know I would never leave you hanging like that, right?”
She pulled away from him but kept her expression neutral. “Did he say why he wasn’t coming?”
Tad opened his mouth then a commotion drew the attention of them both. She turned her head toward the entrance of the club, finding Wade there, his face redder than a ripened strawberry. His eyes were narrowed into slits and his hands were balled at his sides. The crowd around him split like the Red Sea itself as he charged toward them.
“Tad! You little—” Wade scooped up a good amount of Tad’s shirt into his hand and dragged it upward though not enough to make the man’s feet leave the ground.
“Wade!” Brielle gave him a little shove, but he didn’t release his prey. “Wade! Put him down this second.”
His eyes darted toward her, then back to Tad before he swiftly let go of the man’s shirt.
“What’s gotten into you? We were just talking,” Brielle said in a lowered voice so not all the patrons could hear her. She let her eyes bounce from Wade to Tad and back. It was almost like both men were sizing up the other, preparing to go into battle. “I’m not going to let this get out of hand. If something happened between the two of you—”