Page 77 of Loving a Cowgirl
Brielle lifted a shoulder and nibbled on her lower lip. “I want someone who is willing to put up with me not because he feels obligated to but because he adores me in spite of it all. I need someone who will stay by my side no matter what ridiculous fight we get in. I…” She let out another heavy breath. “I guess what I want to say is that I want you, Wade. I want you to be that person because when I think of my future, you’re the only one I see.”
There, that wasn’t so bad.
But the next bit would likely be even worse. She pulled back, wringing her hands. “I’ve made so many bad decisions over the years. I can see that now. But this isn’t going to be one of them.” Slowly, she sank lower, intending to get to one knee.
Wade’s humor drained from his face and he blanched. His eyes widened a moment before he lunged toward her and yanked her to her feet. “Don’t you dare do that!”
“Do what? I was just going to—”
He crossed his arms, his features hardening.
Brielle caught herself up short, blinking fast just to keep the burning sensation at bay. This was what she wanted. She had thought he wanted it too. Wasn’t he the one who didn’t let up when it came to being with her? “You don’t want me to—”
“I definitely don’t want you to dothat,” he said gruffly.
She hadn’t waited for him to tell her he loved her. She hadn’t given him that chance. Maybe that was what this was. Wade wasn’t willing to forgive her just yet. It was her turn to be patient and let him get to the point where they were both ready.
Ugh! Now she not only looked like a fool, but she’d bared her soul to this man and for what? To get exactly what she’d feared all these years. In an attempt to hide the fact that she was about to start crying, she pinched the bridge of her nose.
The worst part was that Wade had dealt with this sort of thing before and at her own hand. She’d caused him so much grief and pain she wouldn’t blame him if he never forgave her. Quickly, she nodded, unable to find her words.
Brielle turned around with the intention of putting as much distance between herself and Wade when his hand wrapped around hers, and he pulled her close. She bumped against his chest, and her eyes immediately found his.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice lower.
“I—I need to get some… space.” Composure. That was a better word for it. She needed to find her center so she could be able to meet his gaze and tell him everything was okay—that she didn’t need him to accept her right now. They could take it slow if that’s what he wanted.
Only now, as he peered down at her and offered her that crooked grin, she knew she wouldn’t be able to do any of that. “What?” she demanded. “I’m sitting here telling you exactly how I feel and—”
“Will you please stop talking?”
She stiffened, clamping her mouth shut.
Wade shook his head and let out a dry chuckle. “I knew I loved you from the first moment I met you. There was something about you that I couldn’t put my finger on, but I knew it was important.”
The flutters resumed in her chest.
“There was no way that I would have been able to hide my feelings from you even if I tried.” Wade looked deep into her eyes, the love so evident in in his gaze that it nearly overwhelmed her. “I have dreamed of this exact moment for as long as I can remember, and there is no way I’m letting you take it from me.”
“Take what?” she whispered.
“We’re going to do this right. I’m going to make you my bride, and we can ride off into the sunset together.”
Brielle bit back a smile. “I think you’re going a little overboard, aren’t you?”
He shook his head. “This wedding is going to be the biggest event of the season. You’re going to get everything you deserve and more.”
Brielle let out a laugh. “Hold your horses. You wouldn’t even agree to get engaged to me.”
“Correction, I wouldn’t allowyouto askmeto marry you. I’m going to get engaged to you. But it’s going to be done right.”
“What’s so wrong with a girl asking the guy? We live in a modern century, don’t we?”
His hands slipped around her waist. “You are the strongest, most capable woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, but you still deserve to be treated like royalty. I don’t want there to be a doubt in your mind about where I stand when it comes to our relationship. And that will start with our engagement.”
She cocked her head to the side, a smile spreading across her face. “So you will get engaged to me.”
“No. I will ask you.”