Page 3 of Following His Orders
“My expectations are that you follow every single order I give you.”
My initial reaction to that was:yes, sir. But that’s not what he meant. He’s not going to order me to my knees, or tell me to spread myself over his desk with my ass in the air for him.
Have I thought about all of the above? A little too much, and mostly at night when I’m alone with my handy little buzzing devices.
It’s wrong, and I can feel a blush starting to creep up my face with the knowledge that I’ve been masturbating to fantasies of my boss. It’s mortifying really, and the only thing I can think of as I step out of the elevator and make my way to the receptionist is thatshe knows. They all know. They can tell that I’m nothing but a dirty little whore, dressed up to appear like a good girl. Or, at the very least, that my alter ego is a dirty little whore who wants her boss to fuck her six ways till Sunday. Me? I don’t want anything to do with Nathan Miller unless it’s learning from him. About the law, and not whatever bedroom skills he’s honed over the years.
Fake it till you make it. I just need to get through this first day withoutmakingan utter ass of myself, and everything will be fine.
“Hi, I’m Bentley Johnson. I’m starting here today, under Nathan Miller,” I tell the very pretty blonde receptionist. “With, not under. Well, shit… I’m going to stop now,” I mumble out after I realise what I said.
“Hi, Bentley. I’m Hannah. It’s nice to meet you,” she says and stands. “Follow me. I’ll take you to Mr Miller’s office.” She guides me passed a wall of opaque glass that looks directly into open office space, where people are busying themselves with the day’s tasks. “Good luck,” Hannah says, after knocking twice on a frosted door.
“Enter,” a rough, gravelly voice yells out. I look behind me to see Hannah practically running back to her station in the reception area.
Here goes nothing.Straightening my shoulders, I push the door open and walk into the lion’s den.Fake it till you make it, Bentley, I remind myself for the millionth time.
Ideserve an Oscar for the performance I’m putting on, pretending that I haven’t been waiting for this moment. The moment Bentley walked through my office doors. This has been on my calendar for two months now. The notification popped up on my phone this morning. I didn’t need the reminder though. I’ve been counting down the days all week.
Now she’s here, standing in front of me, and I have no fucking idea what to do with her. What I want to do isn’t anything I can or should do.
“Mr Miller, I’m Bentley.”
“I know who you are, Ms Johnson. Do you believe yourself to be easily forgettable?” I ask her.
“What? N-no?” she answers the question with a question, and I raise a brow at her. “No, I’m not forgettable,” she says more sternly. “It’s just that you’ve only met me twice, and I’m sure you meet a lot of people. Also, you know, I’ve heard with age, your memory starts to slip.” She tries and fails to hide her smirk.
Ignoring her little dig at thevery smallage gap between us, I push to my feet, buttoning my jacket and letting my eyes take in all of Bentley as I do. She’s wearing a skin-tight beige dress that leaves nothing to the imagination when it comes to the curves underneath the fabric.
“Let me give you the tour. We’ll stop at HR, so they can get you set up with everything you’ll need.”
Bentley walks towards the door. I’m quick to catch her steps. Reaching around her, I pull the door open and my palm automatically rests on her lower back. I feel her body stiffen. I don’t remove my hand though. Truthfully, I fucking like it there. I place gentle pressure on that little dip right above her ass, and she starts moving. I hide my smirk as she takes a huge step to the side, out of my reach. When she turns to face me, her cheeks are blushed, her eyes glassy. Maybe I’m not the only one who liked my hand on her.
“This way.” I gesture for her to walk down the hall. “This is the staff kitchen,” I tell her when we reach the entryway of the room that’s filled with complimentary baked goods, coffee, and teas.
“Is there a birthday or something today?” she asks.
“Not that I know of. Why?”
“What’s with all the food?”
“We like to keep our staff well fed. Help yourself to anything. It’s always pretty well stocked,” I explain.
“Oh,” she says.
“This is the copy room.” I wave a hand around the open space. Justin, one of the paralegals, is making copies. He lifts his head, slowly dragging his eyes up Bentley’s body. I clear my throat to get his attention. “Justin,” I grunt. Placing a palm on Bentley’s lower back again, I guide her out of the room.
“So, who’s Justin?” she asks, craning her neck to look behind us.
“Nobody you need to know,” I say.
“Okay,” she replies with a slight nod.
When we make it to the HR office, I escort her to the director. “After you’re done here, come back to my office. Yours isn’t ready yet, so you’ll be working out of mine.” I’m bullshitting. Her space was ready last week. She doesn’t need to know that though. I must be a masochist, because I’m only torturing myself by keeping her close. Even knowing this, I’m still going to keep her within arm’s reach for as long as I can.
“With you?” Bentley asks with wide eyes.