Page 29 of Broken
“Since when do you not want to be touched?” My voice dips low, seductive, as my hand traces over his spine. It’s fucked up to play his body against him, but at this point, I’m fucking desperate.
“Since the only person I wanted to touch me left.” He shudders as his words stab into my heart.
“Let me make it up to you.” Leaning forward, I drag my beard across his neck, kissing the tender flesh. “You can trust me, I promise.”
Eli’s body doesn’t relax, but he doesn’t push me away either, and his fingers run through the hair on my chest. Holding on to that, I keep kissing his flesh, sucking his pulse on the side of his neck.
Finally, Eli grabs my face and brings my eyes to his. His breathing is ragged, but determination is set in the lines of his features.
“No cuddling. If I let you touch me, it’s to fuck, then you go away.”
I hate it, but I can work with it. It’s a start.
“Fine,” I agree and lift him from the counter.
He slaps at me. “Hey! Put me down. You already got off. Leave me alone.”
I lift an eyebrow at him while my hand is cupping his ass. “Are you saying you’re done with one orgasm? I’m ready to go again, baby.”
“Put. Me. Down,” he demands. I slide him down my body until his feet touch the floor. “I’m not fucking you tonight.”
He crosses his arms and cocks a hip. I smile despite myself. That bratty attitude is good. I hope he’s able to keep it up because I can’t wait to fuck it out of him.
Hold your ground. Don’t back down.
Asher smiles at me like he’s won. That makes me nervous. This is a horrible plan. I’m a fucking idiot.
Asher grips my jaw in his massive hand and crashes his lips to mine. Arousal shoots through my blood in a nanosecond as his tongue invades my mouth, dancing with mine and turning my knees to mush. My heart thunders in my ears, and I’m reaching for him when he pulls away. That knowing, smug smirk on his lips. The bastard.
“I’m going to get my workout done since I’m not sleeping any more tonight.”
All I can do is stand there and stare as he disappears from the room. What a dick.
When the door closes behind him, I rub my hands over my face. What the hell was I thinking? God. Damn. It.
I’m such an idiot. This is going to break me even further.
With shaking hands, I find my phone and pull up Jordan’s text thread.
ELLIOT: Are you awake?
JORDAN: About to crash, what’s up?
ELLIOT: NVM good night.
I toss my phone on the bed and drop down onto it, holding my head in my hands. It rings a minute later, and I groan at Jordan’s name.
When I answer it, I drop back onto my back and cover my eyes like that will make this better.
“Now I’m awake. What’s going on?” I can hear the slap of her feet on the hardwood in her house as she paces.
“Somehow I told Asher we could fuck but not cuddle,” I say miserably.