Page 76 of Broken
Bethany’s eyes widen. “Oh shit.”
“I’m going to grab something to eat,” Jordan says, quickly rising to her feet. “It was nice to meet you.”
Bethany blinks and turns to me with embarrassment clear on her face. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset her.”
“It’s okay. Normally when people find out who her dad is, they start in with all the questions and sometimes people get crazy invasive.” I rub a hand down Carter’s back, and he snuggles into me.
“I can take him,” Bethany offers, but I wave her off since I don’t mind. I don’t know if I want my own kids or not, but I love moments like these. I’m content to sit and cuddle the little boy for as long as he’ll let me. Bethany gets called to talk to another girlfriend, and I’m left in silence for about a second before the door opens and Aaron’s parents come in. The duo look around the room, and when Mrs. Thomlyn meets my gaze, a smile takes over her face. She nudges her husband and points toward me, then comes over. I stand to give her a hug, and she wraps her arms around me carefully to not disturb the sleeping toddler.
“Hello, dear.” She kisses my cheek and releases me. “How are you?”
I can’t hold back my smile. “I’m good. I’m glad you guys made it.”
“Of course,” she says and takes a water bottle from Mr. Thomlyn when he offers it.
“How are you, Eli?” he asks, wrapping his arm around me in a hug.
“Good, how are you guys?”
Mrs. Thomlyn chats for a few minutes about upcoming trips and makes me promise to come by for dinner soon, then they head over to take seats on the other side of the box with some of the other parents.
Jordan brings me a new drink and has a seat with her sandwich and fruit as the game kicks off.
My man is on the field, and my eyes are glued to his jersey. He’s fucking impressive, shooting down the field to catch the ball thrown in his direction. He and the quarterback, Thomas, have such amazing chemistry out there. Reading each other’s moves before they make them, it’s like magic.
Everyone in the stands is on their feet as my man makes the first touchdown of the season. Pride blossoms in my chest as he does an end zone dance and points toward the box where I’m sitting. Everyone smiles and there’s a collective “aww,” but since cameras could be pointed at us, no one looks at me.
Jordan snaps a selfie with me, careful to crop out the sleeping child, and posts it on IG, tagging Asher and the team.
The game drags on; it’s a close one so every play we’re holding our breaths and hoping for no mistakes. By halftime we’re tied 10-10, and everyone is nervous. Losing the first game of the season will be hard on the guys. They can overcome it, of course, but it’ll be rough.
The door to the box opens, and Aaron’s sibling, Brit, comes in with a backward hat covering their short bleach-blond hair, a jersey, cutoffs, and combat boots completing the outfit. Brit reminds me a lot of Jordan with them both having a “take no shit” attitude while being completely accepting of everyone. Brit is always late, if they show up at all, but I’m always glad when they do. We are opposites and I adore them.
Brit and Jordan eye each other for a moment, giving some flirty vibes that I’m here for.
“Elliot, how ya doing?” Brit nods to me and sits in the row directly in front of us but turns around to sit backward.
“I’m good, you?”
Brit lifts their chin in a nod. “You know how it is, fucking shit up and causing chaos.”
I chuckle. “Sounds about right.”
“Jordan.” My friend sticks her hand out for the newcomer to shake. Brit lifts an eyebrow and looks Jordan up and down, teeth dragging over their bottom lip before sliding their palms together.
“It’s nice to meet you.” For the first time ever, Jordan sounds a little breathy. I’m forced to school my face and not gawk at her. I’ve seen Jordan flirt countless times, but she’s never reacted like this to anyone.
Carter stirs in my lap and stretches, waking up and looking around for his mom.
“Hey, buddy.” I rub his back and stand to take him back to Bethany. She reaches for the sleepy toddler, and I hand him off, stopping to grab a beer for Brit. When I’m on my way back to my seat, it looks like Brit and Jordan are having a moment, so I leave them be and watch the game via the TVs set up around the room.
Our guys are doing amazing, fighting for every point they earn and making the other team fight harder to come back. I’m so damn proud. It’s kind of surreal to be here watching Asher play football. He’s come a long way since I was sitting in the high school stands, cheering for him with Marcus next to me.
I drop back into my seat and hand Brit the beer. They take it and wink at me while lifting the bottle to their lips and taking a drink.
“You going to the I Prevail concert on Friday?” Brit asks, looking between Jordan and me. Jordan was making me go since Asher will be out of town for a game, but if Brit is going, I may be able to get out of it . . .