Page 116 of Because of Blake
“Don’t.” The harshness of the single syllable word puts knots in my stomach.
I sniffle, and my mouth opens to explain further, but Blake doesn’t let me. “Don’t give me your sorries, and your explanations, unless it’s the last time.”
What?“Blake, I don’t–”
“Maggie, you threw me out after our fight at Christmas, only to come back and apologize. And I accepted that, because I knew what you were going through was tough. I gave you all the space you needed for two months while you figured out what you wanted and dealt with your baggage.”
Indignation flares in me at his use of the word “baggage”, but I swallow it down to let him finish.
“When you called me to suggest we spend the weekend together, something told me it was a bad idea, but I was starving for you, so I agreed. I thought maybe it would be a turning point for us, and things would go in a different direction.” He swallows deeply. “I never thought that direction would be apart.”
“I know, Blake. I didn’t either. I was–”
“Let me finish, please.”
I press my lips together and nod.
“My heart has been torn apart twice now, and I don’t think I could handle it again. So, if you’re here to give me an apology, it better be permanent.” He turns his head, locking his glossy eyes with mine. “Because once I grab onto you again, I’m never letting go.”
A shaky breath escapes me as a tear streams down my cheek, and I turn my gaze back to my lap. “I do have a birthday present for you.”
He reaches over and wipes the tear from my face, his touch radiating through my body. “I don’t need anything except you.”
I turn my head and am met with those soft, shining brown eyes that melt my soul. “Well, then it’s your lucky day, because that’s exactly what I’m giving you.”
His eyes widen a moment, before his brow furrows.
“I love you, Blake Averson.” As the words leave my lips, my entire body feels lighter. I’ve been so afraid to say them, thinking that if I did, my world would implode, but now, I can’t believe I waited this long. “I’m done pretending I don’t. I’m done being afraid of what loving you means, because I lost you for the last few weeks and it’s been Hell.” I swallow as I watch Blake’s face twist into happy relief. “So, this is the last time I’ll apologize for my insecurities, because I’ll never let them come between us again.”
Blake throws his hand behind my head and pulls my mouth to his. He wraps his other arm around my waist as I grab onto his shoulders. The kiss deepens, like our souls are connecting and, for the first time in years, I know I’m right where I need to be.
Chapter thirty-five
“Happybirthday,Blake!”Dylanyells as he wraps Blake in a bear hug.
“Thanks, Buddy. I love it.” Blake holds up a new Rockies baseball cap. Dylan hand-picked it after he saw Blake eyeing it at the game they went to together.
My heart swells watching how incredibly well Dylan and Blake mesh. It’s like they were always meant to be friends, just separated by too many years.
Blake slides his new hat onto his head. “How do I look?”
“Thirty-one looks good on you,” I say with a wink.
“I meant the hat, not the age.” He crinkles his nose, and I giggle.
“When do we get cake?” Dylan chimes in.
“Geez, Dylan. Calm down,” Sydney snips without looking up from her book. She’s nestled into a chair on the other side of the table, a book in one hand and the other massaging Oscar’s head in her lap.
“It’s okay, Syd. We can have cake now.” I take a look at everyone’s plates. They’re all finished with the wonderful meal Blake grilled for us. Even on his birthday, he’s still taking care of everyone else.
“Yay!” Dylan yells as I enter the house.
Pulling the cake from the fridge, I slide it onto the counter and gather the candles. I bought a three and a one. I’m not about to fill Blake’s cake with thirty-one individual candles. Though it would be funny.
As I’m putting the candles into the creamy frosting, I start thinking about where we were a year ago. Blake and I sitting by the lake, the tension between us palpable as he poured his broken heart out. My heart and stomach fluttering in unison as I listened, but didn’t know what he would decide.