Page 20 of Because of Blake
“Are you proposing you and I go upstairs and have sex? Because if you are, then I have to say it’s wildly inappropriate.” David takes a step away, removing his hand from my back. “And for you to assume that I, let alone any woman, would go upstairs and have sex with a man she just met, in her neighbor’s house during a holiday party, which her children are attending, tells me you have very poor standards for the women you date.”
“So, is that a no?”
I sigh heavily. “Enjoy the party, David.” I turn and storm off toward the kitchen.
The kitchen has cleared out, thank goodness. Everyone has filtered out to the covered patio, basking under the propane heaters. Walking to the counter, I set my cup down firmly on a bare spot, and let out an exasperated groan. With a shake of my head, I close my eyes and try my hardest to forget the conversation I just had. I try to forget the audacity of David. I try to forget the fact I’m stuck in a rut and even if I’m able to let Charlie go for one minute, I’ll probably never find a man who isn’t an utter jerk–
“Is the party so bad?”
I spin around to see Blake leaning against the fridge, a beer in his hand, and a warm smile on his still bearded face. It’s thicker than before, but it’s being maintained nicely.
“Blake, hi,” I say, though it’s more of a whisper, my tension easing at the sight of him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright. I didn’t know you were here.”But I’m glad you are.
“I think I got here right before you and the kids.”
“Really? I didn’t see you.”
“Well, you got ambushed by Joanna right off the bat. Then you were talking to that guy, and I didn’t want to interrupt.” There’s a slight irritation to his tone on the last bit.
I roll my eyes. “I wouldn’t have minded.”
“I’ll remember that for next time.” The depth of his voice sends butterflies through me. As I fight the urge to rub my thighs together, my head throbs again. I rub my forehead and shut my eyes. “Are you okay, Maggie?”
“I have a headache. I haven’t eaten dinner yet, so...”
“Well, drinking on an empty stomach will do that.” Blake points to my cup.
“Oh, no, this is punch,” I say, tipping my cup to the side.
“No, the red one is punch. The green one is some concoction of Joanna’s she makes every year.” Blake motions to the counter with the drinks and I see a bowl of green punch and a bowl of red punch, both clearly labeled as “Alcoholic” and “Non-Alcoholic.”
Now, I’m even more pissed than I was before. “Asshole!” I blurt out in a loud whisper.
“Excuse me?” Blake’s eyes widen.
“No, sorry, not you. The guy I was talking to earlier.” I see Blake tense as he shifts his stance. “Some friend of Mark’s. Another self-involved prick, who apparently didn’t listen when I said I didn’t want any alcohol tonight.”
Blake narrows his eyes. “You said you wanted punch and he brought you that?” He inhales, his chest expanding and his shoulders squaring. “Maybe I should talk to him about his listening skills.”
I laugh and shake my head. “He’s not worth it, Blake.” Based on the reaction he’s had to David’s treatment of me, I’ll omit the proposition to have sex. I don’t need to start a fist fight in the middle of Joanna’s party, though Blake could level David in a heartbeat. There’s something incredibly sexy about a man wanting to defend my honor. I can do it myself, but it’s nice to know someone has my back.
“Well, sit down,” Blake says, turning to get into the refrigerator. He hands me a bottle of water. “Drink some water, I’ll make you a plate.”
No bottles, huh, David?“What? No, Blake. You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind. Sit down and relax, some food and water should help your headache.” He walks to the counter and piles finger foods and appetizers on a paper plate. He reaches for the cocktail weenies.
“Oh, none of those, please. I’m a vegetarian.”
He turns his head over his shoulder. “Really?”
“Mhm. For years now. I eat fish every now and then, but mainly I’m an herbivore.”
“Interesting,” he says, and turns back to the food.