Page 69 of Because of Blake
“Are you eating something?”
“No. Well, yes. I licked a spoon. Could you really hear that?”
“I’m very attuned to the sounds your lips and tongue make.” He groans, quietly, but I hear it. “Alright, Friday it is. Dinner, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, but Michelle’s always late, so there will definitely be appetizers.”
He chuckles, but it fades, and he falls silent.
“Blake? Are you there?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m here. It’s just… I’m wondering about… the kids.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose, grimacing. Ever since my panic attack at dinner, Blake’s been extra attentive. We had a conversation about what happened and why, which helped in its own way. The weight I carry lessened just by knowing he understands. Blake became my safety net that night, and I’m forever grateful he did.
“I’ve already got someone to stay with the kids.” Dylan’s teacher’s daughter is seventeen, CPR certified, an honor student, and I’ve met her several times when she’s helped Dylan’s teacher with school functions.
“Alright, sounds like you’ve got everything taken care of. Except for one thing. Whatever happened to our kid-free night you were going to set up?”
I drop my face into my palm. “I’m so sorry. I completely forgot. And since the kids are having sleepovers for their birthdays, it might be a while. I’m sorry, Blake.”
He chuckles, though it’s not his usual lively laugh. “It’s okay, Maggie. We’ll figure it out. It’s not like I don’t ever get to see you, I just don’t get to see you naked.” He clears his throat. “Okay, now I’m picturing you naked, and after those lip-smacking noises, I’d better go before I can’t get out of my truck and go back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Blake places his hand on my bobbing knee. “Maggie, will you calm down. It’ll be fine.”
We’ve been at the restaurant for twenty minutes now waiting on Michelle and Tom. I knew she would be late, but I wanted to get here so I could have a margarita before she showed up.Speaking of…I pick up my drink, slurping the last of it through the straw.
“Slow down, Maggie. We’ve got a whole dinner to get through.”
“Exactly what I’m afraid of.”
“Hey!” Michelle waves from the entrance as Tom follows behind her, his eyes glued to his phone.
“Here goes nothing,” Blake whispers and scoots to the edge of the booth as Michelle reaches the table. He stands and extends his hand. “Hi, I’m Blake. Nice to finally meet you, Michelle.”
Michelle’s eyes widen a split second as they trail Blake from head to toe and back again. She takes Blake’s hand, tilting her head to the side, and says, “You, too.” She leans to look past Blake at me. “You didn’t tell me he had beard like some sort of hot lumberjack.”
I drop my face into my palm, pressing my fingers into my eyes before meeting her gaze again as I shake my head.
She nudges Tom to get his attention. “This is my husband, Tom.”
Tom clears his throat and stuffs his phone into his pocket before shaking Blake’s hand. “Hey, man.”
With a roll of her eyes, Michelle slips out of her jacket and slides into the booth. “Sorry, we’re late.” Her eyes fall to my empty glass before flicking to Blake’s full water glass. “Started without me, I see.”
“Hey, you made us wait.”
“Well, that’s one more drink you have to have.” Michelle flags the server down and orders margaritas for herself, Tom, and me, then looks at Blake with raised eyebrows.
“None for me. I drove and promised Maggie I’d get her home safely.”
Michelle gives him an approving nod. “Responsible. I like that.” She turns to the server. “Just the three, thanks.” After the server leaves, Michelle turns back to Blake. “So, Blake, Mags here told me you’re a landscaper. What’s that like?”
“It’s actually great. I’m outside, working with my hands, and I get to create beautiful things.”
Michelle folds her hands under her chin and leans onto the table. “I bet Mags can attest to how skilled your hands are.”
I nearly choke on my breath, glaring at Michelle, who winks at me.