Page 22 of Savage Intent
I’ll worry about tomorrow later. There’s not much I can do about it anyway.
“Do I want to know how you managed to get someone on the inside to leave a gate unlocked and not guarded?” I question Killian as we walk through the gate in question and try to stay close to the side of the house.
I wouldn’t say I’m nervous. We have enough firepower here to storm a damn castle and apparently, we have an ally inside. Still, I have a lot of men standing with me today and ultimately, I am the one responsible for their lives. It would take a fool to go into war without realizing the gravity of what he is dealing with. I am, but the rewards outweigh the risks here. You don’t stay on top in this world unless you make sure your competition fears you. You must demand respect. By the time I’m done with Dracos, he will regret ever going against me. If I have my way, my name will be the last one to ever cross his lips and it will be cried out as he drags in his last breath.
I’m not sure how Melina will feel about that, but I don’t give a fuck. She started this dance between us. I don’t know what her game is, but there is a possibility she sought me out that night. She didn’t have a room in the hotel. She came there to find me—or at the very least to spy on me. I may be foolish, but I don’t think that’s the case. What happened between us was too raw. It surprised her as much as it did me. Maybe our night together was just a rebellion for her. Whatever it was, Melina had no idea that she was going to get a fuck of a lot more than she bargained for. If she thought she could give me her virginity and walk away, she was sadly mistaken. We aren’t done. We’re not going to be done until I say we are.
“Let’s just say we have an unexpected ally who would love to see both Kelly and Stratakis brought down.”
“Whatever works, I guess. As long as they don’t get in my way.”
“It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you can get Melina to agree to go peacefully with you.”
“She’ll go with me. I don’t give a fuck if she does it peacefully or not.”
“You should rethink that.”
“Not happening,” I respond easily.
“Since it’s her brother who is helping us, that might change his loyalty and make this a fuck of a lot harder.”
“Her brother? You said her family wasn’t even going to be here.”
“I said her father wasn’t. He sent her oldest brother to oversee everything. Marco approached me months ago, quietly laying the groundwork to overthrow his old man.”
“You trust him?” I laugh. “In my experience, if a man would sell out his own blood, he isn’t worth the air that he breathes.”
Killian shrugs, still walking along beside me as we advance to the front of the yard. It’s a large courtyard that has been decorated for a wedding. The sight of it makes me sick. The thought of my Melina, so young, beautiful and untouched by any other man but me marrying this sick fuck makes me so fucking angry I want to string Dracos up and spend a year making him suffer.
“You’re dealing with a man who sold his daughter to a man who makes his money trafficking women and abusing them—not mention being triple her age. I’d say a man like that doesn’t deserve an ounce of loyalty.”
“Can’t argue with that shit. Where are we setting up at?”
“We could go get Melina now and avoid facing Kelly altogether,” Killian suggests, but I can tell by the smile on his face he already knows my answer. He wants Kelly almost as much as I want Dracos.
“Now where would the fun be in that?” I laugh.
“Then, we’ll hang in the event tent until the ceremony begins.”
I nod and motion for my crew to follow us. Killian does the same. The way I figure it, we have a little over an hour. That means guests will be arriving soon. We need to get out of the open. It won’t be long now. I’ll have Melina in my grasp soon and once I do…
I won’t be letting her go.
“Then, let’s get settled. I don’t want Kelly to even get an inkling of what is about to happen to him. I don’t want him to see his downfall coming.”
“Don’t worry. Just remember, Kelly is mine. You get your fun with Dracos.”
“I won’t forget. I just wish the bastard would show up for this damn thing so I could end it today.”
“I don’t remember you being so impatient, Antonio.”
“That’s because most motherfuckers don’t get the chance to piss me off like this. Dracos had no idea who he was dealing with, but he will now,” I snap. “Are we meeting Melina’s brother early?”
“No. He’s remaining by his sister’s side during the crossfire. He will be protecting her.”
I snort. “That’s not his job. I’ll protect Melina. She’s my responsibility now.”