Page 5 of Savage Intent
“I think Maxwell thought you’d want to leave tomorrow.”
“Fuck, I want out of this place tonight. It’s not working out that way, however.”
“So, you’re just going to sit in your hotel’s bar and let whiskey rot your gut?”
“You got a better idea?” I ask him and he shakes his head.
“Never found much pleasure in drinking myself to the point I forget to watch my own back. There are other more pleasurable ways to do that.”
“I don’t disagree,” I mutter as I look around the room. “The problem is, I don’t see anyone here that fits that particular bill.”
“Then, you’ve already had too much to drink,” he counters, motioning toward a table in the back. It’s kind of dark but I don’t need light to tell me that there’s one beautiful-as-fuck woman sitting alone—staring right at me.
Well, damn. This night might have promise after all.
“And this is where we part ways, Victorio, my friend.”
“I’ll stick around and watch your back,” he says, laughing.
“No need. I’ve been picking up my own women for a while. I don’t need a wingman.”
“That’s not why I was watching your back,” he argues. I look at him.
“I’m good. Levi and Zane are hovering,” I answer, pointing to my bodyguards who thought they snuck in undetected a couple of minutes ago. I appreciate their concern. It’s why I hire them, but Christ, sometimes a man just wants to be alone. “Niko gave you the night off, remember? Go get laid. Enjoy yourself for once.”
“No woman, besides all the good ones are spoken for.”
I nod. He’s not exactly wrong about that. I slap him on the back and give him a life lesson he really needs to learn because Victorio is too tightly wound. “That’s when you need to find yourself a really bad woman and let her take you to heaven,” I joke, pounding him on the back and walking away.
I hear his laughter behind me, but I mostly tune it out. My gaze is now laser focused on the beautiful, raven-haired beauty who has been eye fucking me. As I make it to her table, she lets out a small, audible sigh and her cheeks bloom in color.
Damn, I have always been a sucker for a woman who blushes.
Staring down at her, I can tell I was right. She’s breathtaking. Long hair with small waves flow around a face that looks like it could have been chiseled by the gods. Her sun-kissed skin makes her caramel eyes sparkle even more. She’s wearing a soft blue dress that wasn’t designed to be particularly sexy. It’s something a girl would wear out to go shopping, and yet, seeing how the fabric clings to her and the neckline dips down to reveal just a hint of cleavage makes my body vibrate with hunger. I can’t say what it is about her that makes me so starved to taste her. It’s just true. Maybe my emotions are ramped up after the fucking shit-show of today, but whatever it is, I’m positive I’m going to work out all my frustrations on her delicious body. Her blush deepens. The innocence of it is like a drug, making my cock weep and strain to be free.
“Is there a reason you’re hiding in the corner?” I murmur, my eyes raking over her body. I don’t try to hide that I’m sizing her up. I’ve never been one to play games, and I’m not about to start now.
“I didn’t know I was,” she answers and fuck, her voice. It’s sweet and smoky at the same time. I’m not sure I’ve heard anything like it before. It literally wraps around my dick as if she stroked the son of a bitch. I can feel my shaft press against the zipper of my slacks.
I slide into the booth beside her. She gasps and scrambles to scoot over for me. “A gorgeous woman like you doesn’t sit in a dark corner all alone.” I purposefully lower my voice and speak close to her ear. She lets out this sweet little shiver that somehow makes me feel alive. I get the distinct impression that she’s not experienced or on the prowl. I think she’s here to spread her wings and get a taste of the wild side. I’m cool with that. If she wants to treat me as her fuck toy and show her the night of her life.I’ll play along.When I’m done with her, she’ll know she’s had hold of a man.
“What are you doing?” she asks sounding panicked. I don’t fight the grin on my face. She really is delicious.
“That depends,” I hedge.
“On what?” The sweet, pink tip of her tongue comes out to rub against her bottom lip. I’m suddenly desperate to do whatever I need to—just so I can see more of that tongue. This little morsel can wind me up more than I can remember a woman ever doing before.
“How old are you,bella?”
“My name’s not Bella.”
I don’t correct her thatbellameans beautiful. Her cheeks are already bright pink. If she gets anymore embarrassed, she might burst into flames.
“Okay, let’s try this, then. How old are youandwhat’s your name?”