Page 68 of Savage Intent
I freeze as it opens up, unable to get my breath. Emilia rushes out to jump into Niko's arms. Zoe does the same with Callan. Angelina is towards the back on the ground, holding a lifeless Levi with blood covering his face. I can’t worry about his injuries. My mind is barely working. I know something is wrong, but my brain can’t seem to process it.
Victorio runs in, helping her up. She looks up at him in shock. There’s no color to her face or lips, as he wraps his arms around her, giving comfort. My arms feel heavy as everything slows except my pulse that is thundering in my ears.
All I can see is an empty room, void of Melina.
I look to Emilia, trying to stay calm, but my words are shaky. "Where's my woman?" I can see her flinch at my anger. Emilia's tears are coursing off her cheeks.
"The other guard...the...the one that came with Helena. He knocked Levi out from behind and shot him. Then he shoved us all in here. We tried to fight him, but he had a gun to Melina's head, so we did what he asked," she says, her voice shaking. “He said, her father had a price on her and Helena’s head. He took them both. Then, he made Helena seal us in. I don't know where they went."
A scream rips through my throat. It’s a roar filled with hate, anger, and fear like I've never known.
I have to get my woman back...I can’t live without her.
"Jason, you can't do this. Antonio and my father will both kill you for what has happened," Helen pleads with her guard. “If you let us go, we will make them spare you.”
We're tied up in the backseat of an SUV. My skin is burning from the tight zip ties. I know Helen has to be feeling the same. Our arms are twisted behind our backs and our wrists are bound with the ties. There are more around our ankles—making it impossible to move. There's also no use in trying to break them apart. I know because I’ve been trying. My wrists are raw and serve as evidence of just how many times I’ve attempted to wiggle them free. On top of that, we are seat belted into the back of the SUV.
Maybe I should have fought more. Still, it's amazing what you will go along with when there's a gun being pointed at your head—or the head of someone you love. There's not a damn thing to do to free us now. We are screwed.
I’ve also not been rocking the boat because I have the baby to worry about. Getting killed is not an option. The only thing keeping me from entirely losing my mind is the thought of Antonio coming for me. I know in my heart he will be on our trail. He will save me. I just need to be smart until then. That said, the despair of the situation looms around me with a suffocating intensity. I keep worrying about where this guy is taking us. It’s terrifying to think he’ll take us somewhere that Antonio can’t locate.
"I think Jason is ignoring you," I whisper to Helen.
She lets out a heavy sigh. "No shit." There's a beat before she looks at me. "I'm so sorry, Melina. I don't know what's gotten into him. He’s never shown signs that he wasn’t trustworthy."
"There is nothing for you to apologize about, Helen. I know who is behind this…my father."
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking that too,” she agrees.
My father is the only one dumb enough to go against not only Helen's father but Antonio.Why does he want me back badly enough to cross not one but two people with more connections than him?That screams desperation. I've seen him mad, wild with anger, but not desperate. He’s being recklessness now. The thought of my father reacting without his iron control is somehow even more terrifying.
I need to find a way out of this—a way for all three of us.
“If he’s working for your father, why did he bring me?” she whispers.
I swallow down a fresh wave of nausea. “Because your father withdrew his support and you belong to Marco,” I answer.
“I don’t belong to Marco,” she denies.
“In my father’s eyes, you do. That’s the only thing that makes sense,”
"Where do you think he's taking us?"
"First guess, Greece. My second guess would be whatever rock my brothers have been hiding under while here in Miami."
"Shit. This is bad. This is so bad," she moans. She shakes her head, and I can tell she’s trying to take control of her fear. It must work a little because she cracks a joke. "On the bright side, I guess I'll finally get to meet your brother. I'll be sure to kick him in the balls as soon as I'm able to say hello," Helena jokes dryly.
"There's no way Marco's in on this. I know that without a doubt, Helen. He'd never hurt you or me."
Helen frowns at me a moment before nodding. I lean my head back, closing my eyes. I'm unsure if she believes me, but after everything he's done, he would never return to work with our father. If for no other reason, doing so would mean a death sentence. Father would use him for his next job, maybe, if not just straight kill him to make an example to my other brothers not to step out of line.
"Your first choice seems to have been right, Lina. We’re pulling into an airport," she says, and I pull my attention to the tarmac in front of us. We’re headed toward the plane that Helen flew in on.
An idea suddenly hits me like a freight train. "Do you think your father is working with mine?" I hiss. The fear takes over as my heart races in my chest. It would make sense. We’re being taken back to the plane she just got off of a few hours ago, by a man that came with her security team.
"No. No way. My dad can be a bastard, but I don't think he'd stoop this low. He's very pleased Antonio contacted him," she says. She sounds sure, and I believe her.