Page 88 of Monster's Bride
He waves a hand. “You’re being ridiculous, and this is an important dinner. Now let’s go sit back down and make a good impression. We can talk about this when we get home.”
But for once in my life, I cross my arms and glare back at him. “I’m not going back to that table. I’ll take an Uber home and pack up my things.”
He looks shocked, and then furious. “You’re going to leave me just because I won’t respond to this hissy fit you’re throwing all of the sudden? I took care of you for years. You owe me. Now go back to the table and sit down.”
I owe him? Did he really just fucking say that I owe him?
“I can’t believe I ever thought you actually loved me,” I whisper, more angry than hurt in this moment. “But really, you just loved how I made you look.”
I back away from him. “Enjoy your dinner, Drew.”
And then I turn and leave by the revolving doors. Ready to begin the rest of my life. Wherever it may take me.
Chapter Fifty-One
I pay the extra for the Uber that comes in two minutes rather than six, because now that I’ve made the decision to get the hell out of here, I want out now.
And unlike the last time I left Drew, I don’t feel guilty or worry that I’m making the wrong decision. I felt something was off between us last time, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Now I can. And it’s sad, and disheartening that someone I thought loved me really just—
Oh look, here’s my Uber.
I hurry into the backseat, then put my earbuds in when the driver starts to make small talk. I’m not in the mood.
I listen to moody power ballads all the way home. And then laugh at the idea that Drew’s apartment was ever my home.
Abaddon’s castle felt more like home, even though I was only there a few weeks.
I lived a lifetime in those few weeks.
The ache in the pit of my stomach opens back up. God, I miss him.
I draw a deep breath as the city lights twinkle overhead and snow starts to tuft down from the sky. It doesn’t matter that I miss him. I’m not making any more stupid romantic decisions. I’m obviously not trustworthy in that department.
I’m tired as I get out of the car, thank the driver, and then trudge through the fresh-fallen snow up to the apartment. The doorman greets me, and I nod back to him, then make my way to the elevator.
Even tiredness feels different now, in this new, strange body, though. I sink my head back against the wall as the elevator ascends. After living so long one way, even when I went in search of my miracle, I didn’t really believe different was possible. And now…
Now everything’s different… except also not. Because I’m still the same. Inside it’s still me. A tear falls down my cheek, and angrily, I swipe it away. I’m tired of tears.
The elevator pings, and I pull out my keys. If I pack quickly, I can be gone before Drew gets back from dinner. I’ve said as many goodbyes to that man as I ever need to. What I fucking owe him. I’m still steamed over that comment. I probably will be for a while. As if my disability meant we were inherently uneven and him simply being with me was him doing me such a favor. He literally just said my worst fear out loud. And I might hate him for that.
Angrily, I push the door open, switch on the light, and stomp toward the guest bedroom where I moved all my stuff. Except on the way there, I frown, noticing a cold draft.
But before I can investigate, the door I just closed behind me swings open.
I turn around in alarm, but then I see it’s Drew.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, surprised.
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I couldn’t just let you leave and not follow you. How would that look to my colleagues?” He tosses his hands in the air.
I roll my eyes. Of course. How would it look.
“Well you didn’t need to bother. You could have just told them I’m leaving you. For good this time.”
Drew sputters. “You’re leaving me? Suddenly now that you look pretty, you’re too good for me? I put in time with you.”
I turn and head toward the guest bedroom to start packing, if only so I don’t turn around and slap him. I don’t approve of violence, remember?
But the bastard doesn’t get the message and follows me.
Which is when a gigantic hulking shadow steps out from the corner of the bedroom, between me and Drew.
I shriek in surprise.
“My consort said she did not want you.”
Oh shit.
Abaddon flares his wings and pounces toward Drew, who screams like he’s a soprano in a choir.