Page 47 of No Angel
My hands were trying to curl into fists. I forced them to relax. “We’ve got a chopper coming to pick us up, but there are no good landing places nearby. It’s not all that far to the extraction point but moving through the jungle’s slow so it’s going to take us another full day to get there. We’ll walk for another few hours, then stop for the night. Tomorrow, we’ll walk all day, and we should reach the extraction point by nightfall. Then, at dawn, the chopper picks us up.”
I turned away for a moment, still trying to control my feelings. Luckily, Colton chose that moment to walk up with military tops and pants for the doctors to change into. It wasn’t just about giving them fresh clothes, after nearly a week of captivity: they’d blend into the jungle much better in camouflage gear and that kept all of us safer. I changed back into my own camo gear for the same reason.
The older doctor, Guzman, started helping Marcos into his clothes, being careful of his injured arm. Olivia looked around, then bit her lip nervously when she realized there was nowhere to change.
I nodded at a large tree at the edge of the camp. “Go behind there. I’ll keep watch.” She nodded gratefully and I took up position on the side nearest the camp, while she darted behind the tree. I crossed my arms and leaned back against the trunk.
From behind the tree, the thump of boots hitting the ground. Then the rasp of denim. I imagined her pushing her jeans down those long, pale legs.
I could sneak a peek. I’m no Bradan, but I can be pretty quiet, and it was dark. She wouldn’t know.
The soft rustle of cotton. That would be her unbuttoning her blouse. I could lean around the tree right now and finally see those full, soft breasts in just a bra…
I ground my back firmly against the trunk of the tree. No. It wouldn’t be right.
The devil on my shoulder broke into hysterical laughter. When did you ever worry about that?
Fair point. But Olivia believed I was better than that. She was wrong but, when she trusted me like this…it made me want to be the man she thought I was.
I heard cloth unfold and then the sound of clothes being pulled on. There, said the devil. Too late. Happy now?
I’d missed my chance. Or, maybe, I’d achieved something.
A moment later, Olivia emerged from behind the tree, now in jungle camouflage gear. She gave me a jokey, nervous little spin. “How do I look?”
The answer was, sensational. The pants were just the right sort of tight on that amazing, curvy ass. The top half was too big, so she’d had to cinch it in at the waist to stop it flapping around, and that meant it showed off the ripe curves of her breasts.
I couldn’t speak. And when she saw how I was looking at her, she went quiet, too.
I took a step towards her—
“Move out,” said JD, from behind me. I looked round to see everyone picking up their stuff. When I looked back to Olivia, she was already hurrying past me to join the others.
I stalked after her, horny as hell and cursing under my breath. But as we moved off, I told myself it was okay. In just a few hours, we’d make camp for the night. That was when I’d work my charm.
I’d fuck her tonight.
We hiked for another two hours, by which time my thighs and hamstrings were aching. Gabriel’s team looked like they could have gone on all night.
We finally stopped in a small clearing. I had no idea what time it was: the cartel had taken our phones when they kidnapped us and none of us had been wearing a watch, but it felt like it was past midnight.
While the others unrolled sleeping bags, the really big guy started making a campfire. I helped gather twigs and branches and he nodded his thanks. I figured it was about time I started getting to know my rescuers. “I’m Olivia,” I said quietly.
He hesitated for a second before he spoke, as if it wasn’t something he did often. “Cal.”
He wasn’t so scary, once you got used to him: he was huge but his deep growl of a voice was surprisingly gentle. As he got the fire going, the glow of the flames lit up his face and I saw the sadness in his eyes. “What’s the matter?” I asked.
Cal shrugged, as if it was nothing. Then he muttered, “I miss my dog. Never been away from him for more than a few hours.”
I patted his arm. The others joined us around the fire, and for the first time since we left the camp, the tension eased. We were still deep in cartel territory but, for now, we were staying ahead of our pursuers. With two of the men standing guard, it felt like we could relax a little.