Page 19 of A Dangerous Game
As Jonas’ heavy footsteps crunched over the gravel behind them, Derek and Julia rounded a curve in the path and came upon a wide, circular clearing. In the midst of the trees stood a dozen friends and acquaintances. A handful of servants worked to prepare the grounds for their occupation: spreading blankets, toting hampers filled with food, and even erecting a small awning.
“Oh, is it not marvelous?” Julia exclaimed, excitement quickening her footsteps.
“Mmm,” Derek mumbled, lengthening his stride to keep up with her.
She jerked him to a stop and turned concerned eyes toward him. “Are you all right?”
Derek avoided her gaze, knowing she was perceptive enough to see the pain in his eyes. “Of course.”
“You have been so quiet this afternoon. You look ghastly.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a grimace.
Julia patted his arm. “I meant nothing by it, only that you seem a bit piqued.”
“I did not sleep well last night.”
It was the truth, even if he could not tell her the cause. Derek wanted nothing to interfere with Julia securing her match with the viscount. She would not achieve it while worrying over him and Jonas.
Julia gently tugged his arm, and they continued down the path. “Perhaps the fresh air will rejuvenate you. This will be the perfect opportunity for us to needle Jonas a bit more. I suspected he might accompany us, and I—”
“I think we ought to save our machinations for Gilbanks,” Derek interjected. “He was quite desperate for your attention at the ball. We have him right where we want him. Now is the time to ensure your proposal.”
Julia grinned. “And how do you suggest we do that?”
“Follow my lead. You will know what to do when the time is right.”
They had come near the picnic site by now and captured the attention of their friends. Derek forced a smile and acknowledged those who greeted him. Julia broke away to join a group of ladies who had spread out over the grass to pick wildflowers. Jonas lingered on the edge of the gathering, his attention focused somewhere in the distance. Derek allowed himself to be pulled into the circle of men. They gathered near a shallow, slow-moving stream, looking on as the servants laid out hampers of food. They pretended to await the opportunity to fill their bellies, but truly occupied themselves with watching the women.
Derek sidled near Viscount Gilbanks, following his gaze to where Julia stooped in the grass, reaching out for a purple crocus blossom. The viscount did not seem to notice Derek’s presence until another man called attention to him.
“I say, Dryden. When will you have done with it and propose to Miss Thacker? The poor chit is likely to die of anticipation waiting for you to make up your mind.”
Despite his foul mood, Derek could not help a smirk. The perfect opportunity had just been offered to him on a silver platter. He heaved a dramatic sigh and shook his head.
“My mind has been made up for some time,” he replied. “Alas, I fear that were I to ask for the lady’s hand, she will refuse me.”
“You would have us believe that when the two of you have hardly been apart these past weeks?” Gilbanks asked, casting Derek a dubious look.
Fixing his face into an expression of uncertainty, Derek turned to face the viscount. “Recently, I have come to believe that her affections lie elsewhere. Some other suitor has her attention, and she might prefer him to me.”
“Who cares about the other suitor?” another of their companions cut in. “Whomever arrives at the finish line first claims the prize. You will propose before this chap and claim the lady’s hand. Simple.”
Derek murmured some nonsensical response but kept his attention on Gilbanks. The viscount had a pensive look in his eye and his jaw was wound taught. Derek could practically see the thoughts tumbling over and about one another in his head.
“I suppose we will all know for certain in the very near future,” Derek said. “Now, if you will pardon me.”
He strolled away from the men and ambled toward Julia. She straightened from the ground and grinned at him, the sun casting its warmth over the soft yellow of her pelisse and matching bonnet. The wildflowers she had picked were a complement to her gown, almost as if she had arranged them that way on purpose.
“Is he watching us?” Derek asked.
Julia giggled and offered him the bouquet. “He has not looked away since you walked toward me. What on Earth did you say to him?”
“Never you mind about that. Just know that I fully expect for you to leave this picnic betrothed.”
Jonas chewed on a mouthful of mincemeat pie without tasting it as he watched his sister talk and laugh with her friends as if she had not a care in the world. Derek remained at her side, though he remained mostly silent. Despite his best efforts, Jonas had been unable to keep his gaze from straying to Derek every so often. It seemed Derek was determined to ignore him, as he must feel Jonas’ close regard but never lifted his eyes in acknowledgment. He never so much as glanced in Jonas’ direction.