Page 8 of A Dangerous Game
“Like hell,” Jonas grumbled. “I have come to try, once again, to talk some sense into you.”
“Trying to convince Julia to cry off did not work, did it? She has always been such a sensible young lady.”
Jonas moved so swiftly that Derek had hardly blinked before he found himself pinned to the wall. Jonas’ heavy breaths brushed against Derek’s cheek, igniting a fire deep within his belly. He nearly grabbed hold of Jonas and pulled the beautiful idiot into his arms right then and there. His mouth watered for the taste of Jonas’ lips. It had been far too long since he’d had the pleasure.
“As intelligent as my sister is, she can also be deuced naïve,” Jonas grumbled. “Such is the burden of her position and sex. If she knew what a degenerate you were, she would never have you.”
“Then I am fortunate that she is ignorant of such facts,” Derek countered. “I suppose that now you’ve been unable to convince Julia, you will take your case before the viscount.”
Jonas released Derek’s lapels and placed as much distance between them as possible without leaving the shadowy alcove. “My father and brother are determined to see the good in you. ‘What young man hasn’t indulged in his share of mischief?’ my father said. Jermyn was all too eager to agree. That your brother has settled a more than decent fortune upon you has caused them to overlook your reputation.”
“Ah yes, the fortune. Thank goodness for dead parents. My father was always parsimonious with his money. But my brother would rather pay me to stay out of sight and out of his lofty circles.”
Jonas’ mouth fell open and he looked at Derek as if beholding a rotting corpse. “What a horrid thing to say.”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You knew my parents. They were hardly affectionate. In truth, they were never anything but apathetic when it came to me. Not all of us are fortunate enough to have parents who lavish us with unconditional love.”
He had not meant for his words to hold so much venom, but the hurts of a young boy who had wanted the love of his parents were difficult to forget. His elder brother, now elevated to the status of baron, was only slightly less chilly toward Derek than their parents had been. He supposed he ought to be grateful for that much, but a part of him had always envied what Jonas had. Perhaps that was one of the reasons he had come to love Jonas. A person who was loved properly seemed to overflow with affection to spare. Derek had never known what it was to be held in someone’s arms or kissed with not just lust but affection until Jonas.
Jonas’ fierce expression never wavered, but his voice softened as if tinged with pity. “I have come in one final attempt to convince you to end this farce with my sister. If you refuse, I will be forced to call you out.”
Amusement bubbled up Derek’s throat at such a threat. Besides Jonas being an abominable shot, he had never been one for violence. At times it seemed like such a waste of that magnificent form of his. He might have made an excellent pugilist.
“You would shoot me, my love?” he teased.
“Don’t call me that,” Jonas growled. “And to protect Julia? Without question.”
“If I end our courtship now, people will speculate as to the reason. It will not reflect well on Julia.”
“You are to refer to her as Miss Thacker or not at all!” Jonas thundered, his voice reverberating in the tiny space.
“Miss Thackercould struggle to make a match if I am seen as tossing her over. I have too much affection for your sister to ever do such a thing to her.”
“You will end it or meet me on the dueling field at ten paces.”
“Or, we can find a way to settle this without needless bloodshed. I do not think you would shoot me on purpose despite your threats, but I would not relish standing across the field from you while you held a loaded flintlock. You might accidentally fire it and hit me anyway.”
Jonas’ scowl deepened until he appeared like an ominous thundercloud. “What other way is there for us to settle this?”
And just like that, Jonas had played right into his hands. It had been far easier than Derek had expected.
“Three nights, three games,” Derek said. “If you win even one of those games, I will cease my courtship of Julia.”
Jonas’ thunderous expression melted away to one of incredulity. “Just like that? If I beat you at any game, you will not try to marry my sister?”
Derek chuckled. “Why do you sound so suspicious? The offer is just as it sounds. Three games and you only have to win one to get what you want.”
Jonas pursed his lips. “And what doyouget out of this devil’s bargain?”
“There’s the rub,” Derek said with a sigh. “And the reason you will likely decline my offer. You see, for each game that I win, I will request something of you, and you must give it to me.”
“What kind ofsomething?” Jonas asked, his voice heavy with suspicion.
Derek rested his hand against Jonas’ chest and slowly slid it downward. Jonas went completely still and the muscles beneath Derek’s palm tightened in response. Jonas sucked in a sharp breath when Derek slipped his fingers beneath his waistcoat and circled one of the buttons of his breeches.
“The kind of something that will bring us both great pleasure. You remember Paris, don’t you, Jo?”
A muffled sound of desperation emitted from Jonas’ throat, and he trembled at Derek’s touch. “Vividly.”