Page 46 of Left Field Love
Gramps is chuckling when I enter the kitchen. “You’re definitely right about Roberts,” he tells Caleb. “I know the Jays can find better.”
They’re discussing baseball. Of course.
“We’d better get going,” I announce. “Or we’ll be late.”
Caleb looks over from his spot next to the kitchen sink. Nothing in his face indicates he notices the changes to my appearance, but he keeps his eyes fixed on me as he takes a long sip from the mug of coffee he’s now holding.
Gramps hands me my lunchbox and a thermos of hot coffee, and I give him a grateful glance. “Thanks, Gramps.” I snag a couple of cereal bars from the cabinet and head toward the front door. “See you later.”
“Thanks, Mr. Matthews,” Caleb adds. “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s Earl,” Gramps corrects. “And you too, Caleb.”
I hold out a cereal bar to Caleb in a silent offer as we walk down the rickety porch stairs and cross the overgrown yard. He takes it. “Thanks.”
“I should be thanking you,” I admit. “I never would have gotten everything done this morning without you.”
Caleb doesn’t say anything at first. Then, “I like your grandfather.”
“Me too,” I agree, taking a bite of my breakfast bar.
“He’s your mom’s dad, right?”
“Right.” I’m surprised he’s asking. Interested.
“What happened to your grandmother?”
I don’t answer, and Caleb quickly backtracks. “Never mind. It’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s fine. I just…”don’t know why you care. “She died right after my mom was born. I never knew her.”
We reach the truck and climb inside.
“I’m sorry,” Caleb says quietly.
“Not your fault,” I say, uncomfortable with his sympathy. “It was a long time ago. We’re going to actually be late.” I nod to the clock on the dashboard. We only have four minutes to get to school.
Caleb nods, then starts the truck.
I think we’re running late enough to avoid seeing more than a couple of people. If I’d taken my usual rushed route across our field and through the rear entrance, I would’ve.
The rare times I’ve driven I always arrive early, so I incorrectly assumed most of the student body will already be inside the school.
Instead, what looks like the vast majority of Landry High is milling around the blacktop. The parking lot is packed and swarming with familiar faces; most of whom turn in our direction when Caleb’s truck appears. There are only a few spots left, all in the furthest row from the entrance.
But Caleb drives right past them.
“What are you doing?” I ask. “You just passed the only spots.”
He just grins as we approach the front row, which is where the majority of people seem to be gathered. I spot some of Caleb’s baseball teammates, Madison, and the rest of the popular crowd I’m not a part of.
There’s one spot left open in the very center. Based on how full the rest of the lot is, I know this was left for Caleb on purpose.
“Front and center.” The many stares I can feel on us are putting me on edge. I can feel my usual snark rising, erasing the fragile peace that settled between us last night and this morning. “A late slip would have been better thanthis.”
Caleb appears overly amused by my obvious irritation with the attention. “Most girls aren’t quite so horrified to be seen with me.”
“You do this a lot, don’t you?” Caleb opens his mouth. “Actually, don’t answer that. And now everyone’s going to think…” I bang my head back against the soft headrest once. “Don’t say a single word to anyone about this if they ask. Aside from saying nothing happened, okay?”