Page 6 of Left Field Love
Of course, Caleb Winters would be the one to ruin that, too.
And he realizes it.
“You were first, weren’t you?”
I take a long drink of water, ignoring him.
“That’s the only reason you’d care whatmyranking is.”
“Drop it, Winters,” I grit out, growing increasingly incensed.
He grins, showing off the star pitcher smile that I’ve seen rob many girls of speech. And their senses. “Well, between the two of us, we should manage to get a decent grade on this.”
“I’ll do the whole project and you can take half the credit. How does that sound?”
“We took the same classes, with the same teachers, and I did better than you did last semester. You’re seriously going to act like I’m going to mess this up for you?” He raises one eyebrow, still spinning the damn pen. I’m tempted to snatch it from him.
Caleb handicapping this project is not what I’m worried about, not that I’d ever admit it to him. Whoever came up with thedumb jockstereotype never met Caleb Winters. I didn’t need to know his class ranking to think he’s smart.
Honestly, he’s the only classmate who’s challenged me in every class we’ve shared. Landry’s wealthy inhabitants ensure it’s consistently considered the best school district in the state. But it churns out perfect test scores and elite college acceptances by ensuring its students are prepared, not by handing out easy A’s.
Not wanting to partner on this project with Caleb has nothing to do his academic ability and everything to do with the way he throws me off-kilter. I find him interesting, and it irritates me.
“Have you two decided on your book and topics?” Mr. Tanner appears, glancing between me and Caleb.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence we’re the pairing he chose to check in with first.
“We’re still discussing,” Caleb answers.
Mr. Tanner looks between us again, then nods. “All right.”
I blow out a long breath as soon as he moves on, tempted to start doodling again. Anything to help ignore Caleb’s presence. He’s too much. Too close and too attentive. I can smell him, but it’s not the overpowering cologne too many guys wear. It’s something more subtle that makes me want to lean closer.
I resist the urge.
“I fully intend to do half the project, so we’re going to need to agree on a book,” Caleb says.
“Any ideas?”
“Moby Dick?” I challenge.
Caleb rolls his eyes. “Pass.”
“Great Expectations?”
“You’re joking.”
“Crime and Punishment?”
“Your suggestions are punishment enough,” Caleb drawls.
“I don’t hear you coming up with anything.”
“What aboutFrankenstein?”
“I don’t like horror.”