Page 82 of Left Field Love
“Actually, yeah. I would.” His is hard.
“Mr. Tanner is gone. You can just leave.”
“Why haven’t you?” he counters.
An excellent question I have no answer to. “We haven’t talked since…” I clear my throat.
“What’s left to talk about, Matthews?”
I flinch. I got used to him calling me Lennon. Or saying Matthews in a teasing, flirty tone. Not this flinty one.
The classroom door opens, and Andrew walks in.
He comes to an abrupt halt as soon as he sees me and Caleb. “Oh. Hey. Sorry to interrupt. I’m, uh, early for class.”
Any other time, I would smile at that. But it turns out he’s not all that early. Other people start to enter the classroom, and then one leaves.
I stare after Caleb’s retreating back.
“Um, Lennon, while you’re here…” Reluctantly, I shift my gaze to Andrew. “You know we normally publish a list of where everyone’s headed in the fall as part of the graduation issue. I don’t have anything down for you…” Andrew lets his voice trail off, looking incredibly uncomfortable.
My shoulders square. “There’s nothing to put down. I’m not going to college in the fall.”
“Right, okay.” Andrew still looks awkward. “And also, well, we usually publish the valedictorian’s speech in there, too…”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“I met with Principal Owens this morning. You’re ranked second in our class.”
“Meaning I won’t be valedictorian.”
“Not if you do better on your finals than the classmate ranked first.” Andrew gives me alookthat suggests he knows exactly who that is.
Mrs. Clemens enters the room to teach her class and gives me an odd look, obviously wondering why I’m in her classroom and not in her class.
“Anyway, if you end up moving into first, I’m going to need a copy of your speech,” Andrew says.
“Fine,” I agree. Then, something else occurs to me. “Why didn’t you say anything to Caleb? He was just in here.”
“I’ve got more faith in you, Lennon.”
Those words should kindle a competitive fire. I know I’ll be one of the only graduates without a college listed next to their name. The opportunity to show everyone I’m more than my parents’ mistakes and that I’mchoosingto stay in Landry should be my main focus.
But there’s not even the slightest spark.
I give Andrew a small smile, nod, and then head toward the math wing. After Calculus, I walk to the cafeteria for lunch.
Without permission, my eyes dart to Caleb’s usual table in the corner as soon as I enter the cafeteria. He’s seated with his back to me, talking with Colt, who’s across the table from him. Madison is next to Colt. She glances up, catching me staring.
I quickly look away and cross the linoleum to my table.
“What did Mr. Tanner want?” Cassie asks as I drop down on the bench seat beside her.
“He, uh, he liked our presentation,” I answer.
I feel badly for lying. But I’m not in the mood to discuss the real reason.