Page 25 of Kissing the Rival
“So, what happens?”
“We have it written into the contract that all current staff stays in place. We do have to switch over to their human resources policies, but I’ve looked them over, and ours are very similar. No one loses their job unless they do something in violation of those rules and regulations.”
“You’re still going to have to deal with all the things you listed off.”
He nods. “I know, but only from the medical side, not the business side. The partners have been talking about this for months. We heard of a local facility looking to add pediatrics to their roster, and I reached out. They’ll be here this morning at ten. They want to meet you and tour all three offices.
“I’ll be here for this one, as it’s our main location. I’d like for you to take them to both satellite locations this afternoon. Give them full access to any information they ask for, and don’t hold anything back.”
I nod slowly. “I can do that.”
“Thank you, Charlotte. I’m sorry for dropping this on you like this, but again, I don’t want the staff to know what’s going on. I don’t want them to worry.”
“I understand. Who are we meeting with today?” I ask.
“I’m not certain how many people will be here. I’m hoping it’s a small group so that the staff isn’t as curious. However, we’ll deal with that as it happens. This is the final piece. If they like what they see today, they’re going to sign the contract. We signed last night. I don’t anticipate any issues today.”
“Okay. Well, I better get to work. I’ll be ready at ten when they’re here. Should I order pastries or lunch, maybe?”
“I took care of having lunch catered. It’s been a while since we treated the staff, and then we’ll set up for a private lunch with our guests in the conference room. It will just be you and me. The other providers have full patient loads.”
“All right. Well, if anything changes between now and then, let me know.” My smile is forced, but I’m hoping it’s not obvious. I know he said that all of our jobs are safe, but a buyout always changes things. I love this job, my staff, and the physicians. This is not what I needed on top of last week’s drama.
Speaking of, I make a mental note to check and see if we have any boxes that I can drop off to Audrey. She’s been packing up her things this week while Lincoln is staying at a hotel or maybe with Liam, I assume. She’s going to be staying with me for a while until she gets on her feet. I’d never tell her this because I don’t want her to think that I’m happy that her wedding never happened, but I’m excited to have her staying with me.
By the time I graduated with my master's, Audrey was in college too. I’ve been living on my own, and while I enjoy my space, it will be nice to have her here. It won’t be so lonely for a change.
Taking a seat at my desk, I fire up my computer and get busy. My day just got high-jacked. I spend the next two hours multi-tasking, wearing eight million hats as I do on any given day. As practice administrator of a privately owned practice, I’m accounting, maintenance, human resources, IT, and anything and everything else that happens to arise that needs to be taken care of. It keeps me busy, but I love it. I couldn’t imagine doing anything different with my life.
Well, that’s not true either. I’d love to be a mom, but you have to fall in love for that to happen, or at least be dating. Sure, I know there are other ways, but my best-kept secret is that I want the fairy tale. My parents were so in love with each other. I want that. I want a man who looks at me as if I’m the best gift he’s ever received, and I want to be the woman who stands by his side, supporting him through life.
A quick glance at the clock shows me it’s a few minutes before our guests are due to arrive. I dash down the hall for a quick bathroom break before making my way to the conference room. I walk around, pushing in chairs and tossing a leftover napkin from where one of the physicians must have eaten lunch in here earlier this week. The room is ready, but my nerves are not. I’m not a fan of change. I’ve had enough change in my lifetime. But Dr. Phillips seemed excited and confident that this buyout is what’s best for everyone.
I just hope he’s right.
I hear voices down the hall. I stand up straight and smooth out the black pencil skirt and white, flowing top I’m wearing today. I plaster a smile on my face, and as soon as Dr. Phillips steps into the room, I see who he’s with, and my smile drops.
“Mr. Pennington, this is our practice administrator—”
“Charlie. I mean Charlotte,” Spencer corrects. A slow, sexy grin tugs at his lips. He studies me for several long heartbeats before offering Dr. Phillips more information. “We went to college together.” He steps toward me and offers me his hand. “Good to see you again.” He’s not once taken his eyes off me since he walked through the door.
My heart pounds in my chest. What in the hell is he doing here? I wipe my sweaty palms on my skirt as my mind races with what I know about Spencer. Suddenly everything clicks. He’s the CEO of our local hospital, Charleston Memorial, and he’s going to be my new boss if this plan goes through. He tilts his head to the side, and I realize his hand is still suspended in the air. “You too,” I say, taking his hand. There’s a tremor in my voice because I’m freaking the hell out. This can’t be happening. He gently traces his thumb over mine before he releases his hold, which lasts far longer than a greeting handshake should have.
“I didn’t realize you two knew each other, but that will make today that much easier. Charlotte will be escorting you to our two satellite locations,” Dr. Phillips explains. Spencer pulls his searing gaze from mine and gives Dr. Phillips his attention. “She knows our facilities and operations like the back of her hand, so you’ll be in good hands,” Dr. Phillips explains.
Spencer looks over at me, and his brown eyes smolder. “I’m certain her hands will be just fine,” he replies.
“Great.” Dr. Phillips claps his hands.
How did he miss that innuendo? How do I get out of this? It hits me that I’m going to have to look for a new job. No way I can work under him. An image of me physically under him pops into my mind, but I push it down. Way, way down deep. Our previous weekend together has me out of sorts. I don’t think about Spencer like that. That’s not who we are, but those eyes of his, the dark orbs, seem to be undressing me on their own accord. I shift on my feet, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. Reaching out, I grip the leather chair in front of me.
“Let’s get started. We have about an hour and a half before lunch is delivered, and then the two of you can head to the satellite offices.” Dr. Phillips pulls out a chair and takes a seat. He has no idea my heart is about to beat out of my chest or that if my hand wasn’t gripping the back of the chair in front of me, I might crumple to the floor because my knees are shaking so badly.
“Dr. Phillips—” I lick my suddenly dry lips. “I’d love for you to join us.” My tone is even, and I don’t know how I’m pulling it off because I’m shaking on the inside. My world has just been turned upside down with this new information. It’s bad enough I didn’t know about the potential buyout until this morning, and now this. Spencer Pennington, my college rival and a royal pain in my ass, is going to be my new boss.
I have to find a new job.
Sadness washes over me. I love what I do. I love the physicians and the staff, but there is no way in hell that Spencer is going to be my boss. I’ll deal until I find something new, but I’m definitely going to start my search.