Page 40 of Tanner's Forever
“But you have to walk all the way to the bar.”
I laugh. “Erin, we could fit the entire town of Maple Oaks in a shoebox. It will take me ten minutes, fifteen tops.”
She pouts. “I just feel bad.”
“Don’t,” I say, giving her another kiss. “I could use the fresh air. Plus, it will give you a little more alone time before the kids come home.”
She still isn’t completely sold on the idea, but she doesn’t press any further.
It’s still a couple hours until she said her kids were coming home, and as much as I would love to stay and continue to do dirty things to her., I don’t want to risk her kids coming home early. I don’t think that would go over too well with anyone involved.
I thought about trying to convince her to give this thing between us a shot, but I can tell she already feels bad, and I don’t want to make it worse. She has her reasons for doing what she’s doing, and I intend to respect that—no matter how much it sucks.
I watch as she fiddles with her hands and bites her fingernails. The woman in front of me is far different than the one I saw in the bar Friday night, but to me, she’s just as beautiful. Her hair is piled in a bun on top of her head, and she wears thick black-rimmed glasses. That ex-husband of hers is a dirtbag for ever thinking that this woman isn’t amazing. I would consider myself one lucky son-of-a-bitch to wake up to her like this every single morning.
Walking over to the coffee table, I grab my phone and slide it into my pocket. It feels a little odd wearing this much clothing after being practically naked all weekend long. Checking to make sure I have everything, I figure it’s about time for me to be heading out.
With a shaky voice, Erin begins to speak. “Tanner, I just need you to know…”
I stop her. “Hey, you don’t have to say anything.”
“No. I want to.” She pauses before continuing. “I had no idea what I was doing when I asked you to come home with me Friday night. I was half convinced it would be a disaster, but you made me feel things that I haven’t felt in a very long time. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”
“You deserve to be shown those things every day,” I tell her.
Her lip quivers, and her eyes well up with tears. “I really wish things could be different. I wish I could give you more, but I just don’t think I can.”
I kiss away the lone tear rolling down her cheek. “I know. How about I make you deal?”
She looks up at me, waiting for me to continue.
“I won’t press for this to go any further, but if you ever find yourself lonely again on a weekend you don’t have your kids, you can call, and I’ll come running.”
“Really?” She gives me a soft smile. “That wouldn’t feel like I was using you?”
“Sweetheart, I would gladly get used by you any day of the week. And if you think I would give up a chance to get in between those luscious legs of yours, you’re crazy.”
Her smile grows, but I can still see the doubt on her face. I’d be surprised if I hear from her after today.
I grab a pen and scrap of paper off one of the end tables and jot my number down. “I’ll leave this here just in case you need it. If you don’t, that’s okay too.”
Pulling her close, I give her one final kiss. And to make sure she remembers me, I make it a good one.
When we finish, I say, “Maybe I’ll see you around, beautiful.”
Tears fill her eyes once again, and she nods as she walks me toward the door. I take one final look at her gorgeous face before walking through it.
The moment the door shuts behind me, I feel like the fantasy we’ve been living in all weekend is shattered. In a heartbeat, it’s back to reality.
The Texas heat bears down on me as I make my way to the bar, but my mind is so filled with thoughts of Erin that I don’t even notice. I’m basically on autopilot the entire way, not paying much attention to anything around me.
But when I finally arrive, I realize just how hot I actually am, so I decide to duck inside and grab a water real quick. When I enter, I’m surprised at who I see behind the bar. It looks like one of Erin’s friends from the other night.
Not wanting to make anything weird, I’m about to head back out without the water, but she sees me, and we make eye contact.
Well, there goes that idea.
The place is pretty empty, so I walk over and take a seat at one of the barstools.