Page 78 of Tanner's Forever
I've been trying to compliment her and joke around so that she knows I'm not upset. Well, maybe that's not true. I'm upset but not necessarily at her. She's in an awful situation and is just trying to make everyone happy. I don't think anyone quite knows how to do that. As much as I want to tell her to go off on Judd and to give him all the hell that he deserves, she has to be ready to do it. Me forcing her to do something is no better than all the shit that Judd made her do for years.
The ride to Duke and Avery's is a short one, so I don't start any type of heavy conversation. Instead, I just try putting her at ease so that she has a good time at the wedding. When I pull into the long driveway, I see that we are the last ones to arrive. Devon's truck is already here, along with my mom's. I still haven't talked to my mother since our little altercation at her house. She's tried reaching out, but I haven't been in the mood to deal with it. I probably should have at least called her and asked that she be on her best behavior.
Oh well. Too late now.
The front door is open, so I hold Erin's hand as we walk inside. It looks like everyone is already out back. When we get out the back door, my whole family turns around to look. Erin squeezes my hand so hard it actually hurts.
Trying to break the tension, I say, "Hey everyone. The favorite child is here. Duke, you can go ahead and get married now."
That seems to make everyone laugh and go back to their business. Well, everyone except my mother who is now making a beeline toward us.
When she reaches us, she says, "Son, you've been avoiding my phone calls. I've been wanting to talk to you."
"Later," I tell her. "Today is about Duke. We aren't going to ruin that for him."
Still holding Erin's hand, I lead her around my mother and over to the chairs that are set up on the lawn.
Duke comes over and surprises me with a hug. When did my brother start hugging?
He and Avery both introduce themselves to Erin, and of course, Avery is just as sweet as she always is, which I'm grateful for. It appears to put Erin at ease at least a little bit.
Devon is next to come over and talk to us. I'm surprised that Kyra is with him. Knowing most of us don't like her, she usually avoids any Samson gatherings like the plague.
I'm tempted to be my typical smart-ass self and make a couple of snide remarks toward her. But I think better of it. I want people to be nice to Erin, and I should probably practice what I preach.
A few minutes later, the ceremony starts. I'm shocked to learn that they are going to read their own vows. It floors me that he was able to find the words and write them down; it surprises me even more that he's going to read them in front of all these people.
"Avery," he begins. "When I met you, I was completely closed off to any type of relationship. But the second you came into my life, all of that changed. I quickly changed from worrying that I wasn't good enough for you to making sure that I would be. You were my light through all the darkness I had endured. I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to be that same light for you. I know I'm a hell of a handful. Sometimes, I'm cranky or irritable. Some days, I'm just a plain asshole. But you're always there… no matter what. You are always in my corner, ready to throw down for me. I promise to always do the same for you. It's you and I against the world, sweetheart."
Avery looks at my brother with tears in her eyes. She looks down at the piece of paper in her hands and then crumples it up. "Everything I had written down is crap," she says with a chuckle. "Duke, you may be an asshole, but you'remyasshole. I know you've been through so much in your life, and I don't presume to truly understand any of it. But the one thing I do understand is how to be here for you through it all. Being that person is a greater joy than I ever could have imagined. And I promise to be that person for you for the rest of our lives."
I wrap my arm around Erin's shoulders, and she nestles herself against me. Listening to Avery and Duke reminds me of what Erin and I have—although the roles are reversed. I want to be the person that is there for her no matter what. I want to be the pillar that she leans on for strength.
I guess I just need to have the strength and grace that my brother talked about. I need to check my ego at the door and realize how hard this whole thing is for her.
Chapter Twenty-nine
AlthoughIdon'tknowmuch about Duke and Avery, their wedding was lovely. Tanner's whole family seems wonderful. Everyone has gone out of their way to come and talk to me—except Tammy, Tanner's mother. But as I stand in the kitchen, getting us something to drink, I think I'm about to get my chance. Tammy is heading in here, and she looks like a woman on a mission.
I really have no desire to talk to this woman right now because apparently, she’s not a big fan of mine. Oh well. I’m used to moms not liking me. Judd’s hated me until the day she passed away. I’m pretty sure she thought I was a terrible wife and resented me for ‘ruining her son’s life’. If only she knew what type of man she raised.
I take a deep breath as I wait for impact.
She comes in and makes her way over to the drink station where I’m standing. “Hi, there, dear,” she greets.
“Hi,” I reply as warmly as I can.
“So, you’re the woman who has scooped up my son.”
I’m not sure if that’s a question of a statement, so I just say, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Look—” she begins, but I try to head her off at the pass.
“Before you say anything else, let me just say that I love your son. He’s the best man I could ask for. I can only assume part of that is from the great job you did raising him.” Some ass kissing never hurts. “I know that he and I dating doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I’m crazy about him.”
She gives me a forced smile. “As happy as I am to hear that, I still worry.”