Page 124 of The Reality Duet
“What’d she do?”
“Court ordered paternity test. I wasn’t going to push the issue because she said it wasn’t safe for the baby, but she somehow broke in and planted a bunch of pictures and shit, and destroyed Joey’s wedding dress. I’m done with her, man.”
“See what I’m talking about,” he replies, standing. “Love makes you crazy.”
I don’t want to call what Jules has done love. You don’t hurt the people you love. I get that she feels scorned and that’s my fault for giving her false hope. When we broke up I should’ve stopped sleeping with her, answering her calls, and hanging out with her. I led her on and that has proven to come back and bite me in the ass.
* * *
“Are you nervous?”Joey asks, leaning her head on my shoulder. We’re in the office of our new lawyer, waiting to find out if Jules’ baby is mine. If it’s mine, I’ll deal, but I’m praying that it isn’t. Not because I don’t want to be a dad, but because I want Joey to be the one who gives me my first child and I really want Jules to be out of our lives once and for all. I know I created the way she is by my actions and if I could change it I would, but I can’t. I made stupid choices and I’m hoping they stop coming back to bite me in the ass.
“Yes and no.”
“Why the no?”
“Because of what Bronx told me. He’s pretty sure that I’m not the father and even questioned if she’s truly pregnant.”
“I’ve said the same thing.” Her fingers dance along my arm, roaming up and down. Her touch is soothing and something I crave daily. Joey is like my own personal source of oxygen. I don’t know how I ever considered myself to be living before I met her.
“I know, but she’s big.”
“And never touches her belly. When skin stretches it hurts, and when she was at our house she never asked you to feel the baby moving. I found that odd.”
“And that is something I didn’t even notice.”
We’re not the only ones waiting in the office. I’m trying to avoid looking around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, but it’s too late. As soon as I glance to my right there’s a woman staring and checking her phone. When she starts to stand, I sit up, causing Joey to move her head.
“Are you Josh Wilson?”
When they ask like that I’ve been tempted to say no, to see what they’d say, but I don’t want to be rude.
“I am.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe this. Here I am waiting to file for divorce and you’re sitting right here. You’re my favorite actor.”
Joey snickers beside me and I give her a knowing look.
“Thank you.”
“And you’re Joey?”
Now it’s me laughing. She’s always joked that no one will ever recognize her so she doesn’t need a disguise when she goes out. Not that I have one on aside from a baseball hat.
“I am,” she replies, beaming. I’m smiling too because I believe this is her first fan encounter and it’s a positive one.
“Can I get a photo with the both of you?”
“Absolutely,” I say, speaking for Joey as well. “Excuse me, can you take our photo?” I ask the man sitting across from us. He seems bothered by my question, but stands anyway. The fan hands him her phone.
I stand and her arm comes around me instantly. I try to put a little separation between us, but she moves closer, clearly needing to be inside my bubble.
“What side do you want me on?” Joey asks. The fan holds her other arm out, showing Joey where she wants her.
We stand for a few seconds smiling until the man hands her the phone back.
“Wow, thank you so much.” She starts to walk away and as we’re sitting back down she turns. “Wait, you guys aren’t getting a divorce, are you?”
“No, just signing some paperwork.”