Page 130 of The Reality Duet
“Well on paper I am everything to you.” My mother eyes me defiantly and I find it comical.
Joey leans into me for moral support—or maybe to remind me that if I kill my mother I will no longer know what it feels like to have Joey touch me, given that I’ll be behind bars for murder.
“To answer your question, no I’m not stupid, and considering you didn’t raise me I think I’ll leave that question alone. As for what’s on paper, you’re no longer the beneficiary on any of my accounts, Joey is and that isn’t going to change any time soon.” It feels damn good to say that to her and watch her face morph into something very few have seen.
“What about your father?”
I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of her question. Always trying to one up him, or telling me that if I do something for him I have to do it for her.
“He’s not either. Now tell me, who can I thank for your unfortunate arrival?”
“Josh,” Joey chides. Even after the backhanded comment my mother made about her, she’s still wants me to be nice. Unfortunately, I don’t care enough about my mother’s feelings to really give a shit.
“Yes, maybe you should listen to your wife about how you speak to me.”
“Give my wife an hour and she’ll be saying the same thing. So again, how did you find out where I live and what do you want?”
Instead of answering, she snubs her nose and walks into the house. I can’t imagine what she’s thinking right now. This house, by far, is nicer than anything she’s ever owned. Each marriage for her has been about social status and class. Each new husband has to have a bigger bank account than the last or he has to be younger with an influx of money coming in.
“Mother.” My tone is a warning, letting her know that I’m not going to continue to play this game with her.
“My daughter-in-law called me.”
I look at Joey, who blanches and shakes her head.
“Joey did no such thing. She didn’t even know your name until security called to let us know you were at the gate, so try again.”
“I don’t mean her,” my mother sneers as she points toward Joey. “My sweet Jules, she called all upset that you were cheating on her and that you left her pregnant and alone.”
I groan loudly, wondering when the hell my life is going to be somewhat normal for one day. That is all I want. One day where I don’t have to hear about Jules.
“I don’t even know where to start with this bullshit, Mother. First of all, you’ve never met Jules so you don’t even know what she’s like. Second, Jules and I were not together when I married Joey, not that it’s any of your business. Third, while she’s pregnant, the baby is not mine and I have the proof.” I take a deep breath and Joey places her hand on my back, rubbing smoothly. “If you’re concerned about Jules, I suggest you go to her place and spend some time with her. I’m sure you guys can bond over the antics you both use to get men.”
She waves her hand as if she’s dismissing me. “But you’re my son, clearly you want me to spend time with you. Besides, you were raised better then this. You love Jules. You should be there for her. It shouldn’t matter that the baby isn’t yours.”
Once again I find myself pinching the bridge of my nose. I have no doubt Bronx, Rob, and Rebekah are laughing at my expense as they listen to my mother. The only thing that would make this moment even better is if Matt and Jules show up. My life is turning into a freaking circus.
I’m trying to come up with a response that doesn’t hurt her feelings, not that I care. I know I should be excited that she’s here, but her intentions aren’t pure.
“You know what, Mother—”
Joey interrupts me. “We love for you to visit. You’re more than welcome to stay for dinner as well,” Joey answers for me. I want to scream because she invited her for dinner, but she did the same for Jules. Maybe I should remind her that her good faith intentions toward Jules came back to bite us in the ass. I’ll be sure not to let my mother wander around my house unsupervised. I wouldn’t put it past her to pocket something she thinks has value.
“Yes, that will be fine. Would you mind showing me to my room? I’m exhausted from traveling and need to freshen up.”
“Um. . .” Joey looks at up at me, her eyes full of worry.
“We just moved in and our spare bedroom is already occupied by Rob. You’ll have to find someplace else to stay.”
The shocked and hurt look on her face doesn’t bother me even though it should. I don’t care if we had all the rooms made up, I wouldn’t let her stay here. She never had time for me when I was growing up, I don’t know why I have to bend over backwards for her now.
“Well, I’ll be.”
“You should’ve called first. I could’ve saved you the drive up the hill if I knew you were in town. I’m sure there are vacancies somewhere.”
She brushes me off again and heads toward the patio. I have no doubt she’ll start drinking, forcing the issue that she won’t be able to drive later.
“So help me—”