Page 132 of The Reality Duet
“You might as well sit down,” he calls to me from the living room.
“She might be here soon.”
“Babe.” His voice is right behind me and his hands are now on my shoulders. Sighing, I lean my head back into him. The small amount of anxiety I’ve been feeling is starting to dissipate. “She just landed. Give them time to get here. Traffic is a bitch right now.”
Behind us I hear someone grumble about having to edit his language. For the past three days the cameras have been on us. We have granted them access to every part of our lives, except for what happens in our bedroom and bathroom. If people want to see what I’m eating for breakfast each morning or how Josh lounges on the couch, they’ll get to. Nothing is off limits. The other condition we placed on the production crew was that we wouldn’t allow cameras to be mounted in the home so if they wanted to film us, it had to be a live action crew and that means no nighttime filming. The last thing I wanted was to wake in the middle of the night and stumble into a tripod or trip over a crowd. When the lights go out, they go home. Home being the camper that is currently parked in our driveway.
Some may ask why I agreed to such an intrusive invasion of privacy and I wish the answer were simple. It’s not. In the end, it came down to money.
When I returned from my three-day hiatus, Josh sat me down and explained the contract and everything that it entailed. Mostly it would be the same, except they wanted to pay us and the pay was negotiable. The starting price tag was one million dollars to follow us around, film our lives while we got ready for our wedding, and to have the exclusive rights to film our wedding and reception. I was ready to sign because it’s what Josh wanted. For him the price wasn’t enough, and when he called Barry asking for more, I thought he’d tell us to take a hike, but he came back with a few more zeroes on the proposed figure and that was enough for Josh. To think that someone is paying us millions of dollars for exclusive rights to our wedding is crazy.
“I’m just anxious to see her, that’s all.”
“I know, me too.” Since our trip, Josh and my parents have grown very close and I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better. Although I do wish my mother hadn’t asked for Josh’s underwear size, even if she’s shopping early for Christmas and buying him things for his stocking. There are some things a mother-in-law doesn’t need to know.
Speaking of mothers-in-law, mine is still in town, but holed up at a hotel somewhere. There was a long, drawn out battle on why she couldn’t stay here that ended with Josh suggesting she stay at the Beverly Hills hotel. She loved that idea until he told her he’d only pay for one night. He also failed to mention that my mother would be arriving soon and that the guest bedroom was for her. I know once Nina finds out she’ll be upset. I don’t think it’ll be because my mother is here, or the fact that Nina isn’t spending time with Josh, it’ll be because she’s not staying in our house so her social status as Josh’s mother isn’t getting the boost she wants.
Once Nina got wind that Josh and I were doing another stint on reality television she insisted on staying, stating she wanted to help with the wedding. That night I cried myself to sleep wondering what sort of nightmare my wedding was going to turn into now that she was around. I couldn’t very well tell her no, but I didn’t wholeheartedly agree either.
Josh finally pulls me toward the couch, bringing me to his chest as we sit down. The cameras move into position to record everything we do. I want to flip them off and maybe even stick my tongue out at them, but I promised that I would be polite. Josh turns the TV on for some background noise, but it doesn’t do anything to calm me down. I miss my mom and I want her here, now.
“I should’ve gone to get her.”
“The media would’ve been all up in your face, Joey. These guys here would’ve been there, alerting the paparazzi and your mother would’ve been subjected to a shit storm.”
“Mark the time,” someone says, causing me to laugh.
“You know, you won’t be able to curse at our ceremony because it’ll be live.”
“Hmm, maybe I’ll convince Barry to have a ten second delay because you know I won’t be able to hold back once I see you walking down the aisle.”
Yes, this is why we’re going through all the painstaking rigmarole of having a wedding—to see me walk down the aisle. I get it. I see his point, but we’ve been married for months now and nothing is going to change that.
My mom and I will be meeting with the designer of my dress later today. When Josh told me what he did, calling the designer for help, I couldn’t believe it. I know he loves me, but to do that really showed how much. The dress I had bought in Alabama was something I fell in love with, but this new one will be different. Jules ruined the other one for me. It’s funny to think about everything she’s done and the dress was the only thing she could actually ruin. If anything, she made the love Josh and I share even stronger.
“She’s here,” Josh whispers into my ear, his whiskers brushing lightly against my cheek. I stir and stretch my arms.
“I fell asleep.”
“Yep you did. I think the camera crew appreciated it because they took a break. It’s not much fun watching me watch TV while you’re nestled in my arms, snoring.”
My mouth drops open. “I was not!”
“You were and it was cute.” He kisses my nose and helps me up. I run my fingers through my hair to straighten it out. Josh assures me I look decent and deep down I know I should run into the bathroom to make sure, but my front door is opening and my mother is walking in.
“Mom,” I say as my voice cracks. She drops her bags and holds her arms out for me. I don’t care if I saw her recently. I don’t care if she’s crazy and neurotic, she’s my mother and I love her. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too, sweetie.”
Once I let go of her, she’s in Josh’s arms. The cameraman moves to get a better angle and for once I’m grateful that they’re here because if his mother could see the expression on his face when he hugs my mother, maybe she’d understand that she screwed up and try to change her ways. It’s a small hope, but one I have nonetheless.
“Let’s show you around.”
I take my mom’s hand and start the tour. Right off I show her the bathroom that everyone uses and then bring her into the dining room.
“Joey, you have no walls.”
The windows are pulled back, letting the warm California sun into the home and brightening the massive space that makes up our dining and living room.