Page 17 of The Reality Duet
When he bends to get my legs, I use this as the perfect opportunity to shock him. “Millie told me that there’s a bowl of condoms in there as well.”
Joshua pauses, and I close my eyes. I know he finds me attractive. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t kiss me. . . and he most definitely kisses me. I haven’t initiated a kiss since our first night here in the bathroom. It’s been all him.
“Sex will complicate things.” He turns me around to face the wall and I’m thankful because he can’t see the tears welling in my eyes. When his chest presses against my back, I’ve had enough for the moment.
“I think I’m clean enough to go inside now. The others are waiting.” I slide the curtain over and walk away from him, keeping my eyes downcast so I can avoid whoever is looking my way. I don’t want them knowing. I don’t want them asking me questions that I can’t answer. And I definitely don’t want Amanda thinking she has a chance with him.
As soon asJoey steps out, I peer over the top of the shower. The only one paying attention to us, or me for that matter is Amanda. I think it’s safe to say I’ll be adding her to the “watch out for” list when this show is over. I wouldn’t mind spending time with these guys outside of here, except for her.
I glance at Joey, where my focus should be. She’s facing the dark curtain that blocks us from going inside. I can tell from her posture that she’s upset and all I can think is,How am I going to fix this? That shouldn’t be my thought. I should be thinking about what the viewers are seeing, or what the producers are going to air to slant everything in their favor. They’re paid to make the ratings higher, and Joey just set them up with a nice drama-filled segment. I slam my hand against the water dial to shut the water off.
They’re purposefully keeping the curtain down and she’s playing right into their game plan. This is what they want. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d start to think Amanda is working for them.
As I step out, Mille and Cole step forward to take the shower. Gary lingers, not sure if he should walk over to Amanda or not. I remove myself from any plan he has and step in behind Joey, placing my arm around her shoulder. My lips find the crook of her neck and as much as she wants to fight her attraction to me, she can’t. Her body sags into mine as we stand there with our backs to the other newlyweds.
“Please don’t be angry with me.”
“I’m not,” she says with a hint of anger and disappointment in her voice.
“You are. I call feel the anger coming off of you in droves.”
“It’s because they won’t open this damn curtain,” she mumbles. The telltale click that the curtain is about to raise causes her body to relax.
Taking Joey’s hand, I guide her into the house. We bypass the feast that has been set out on the table and go into the bedroom we’ve been staying in. As I pull the door shut behind me, I notice that our bags have been packed for us. Many thanks to the nice team of producers who have to venture into every aspect of our lives. In this moment, I’m bitter. I need to curb this attitude if we’re going to win. What Joey and I are experiencing right now is just a small speed bump.
Joey sits down on the bed and slumps. I’m not even going to try and figure out why without asking, but I don’t want to do it here. We need to be in the privacy of the master suite where we can speak freely.
Sitting down next to her, I pull her hand into mine. I never take my eyes off of her when I ask, “What can I do to make you smile?”
She looks down at our joined hands before meeting my eyes. “I wish this were real.”
“It is.”
“Everyone to the dining room please.”
Joey and I both sigh as the computer-generated voice tells us what to do. She rises first without letting go of my hand. She looks down at me as she tugs. In this moment, I want to stand and kiss her into oblivion, but I know if I do, it’ll just confuse her.
After we change, we walk out to the dining room where we’re greeted with a round of applause. Cole pats me on the back and Millie hands Joey a glass of wine. I faintly hear someone comment that she’ll need it. She probably will, but not for what they think. Besides, one would like to think that a man hasn’t waited a week to consummate his marriage, but then again we’re on a television show and privacy is lacking.
This dinner is too good to be true, just as most things in life are. We’ll pay for this later, I’m sure. The guys, me included, lean back in our chairs and rub our bellies. All men do this, it doesn’t matter who you are. It’s our way of saying thanks to the cook for a well-cooked meal. The women laugh, and pour themselves more wine. This dinner had everything a five-star restaurant would have and more. The food: lobster and shrimp with tender New York Strips and the largest baked potatoes I’ve ever seen, along with the copious amounts of booze. At least that’s how it felt.
I stand and start clearing away the empty beer bottles. Cole and Gary probably finished off a case. I nursed a couple of beers and made it look like I was keeping up with them. The last thing I need is to be drunk right now since it’s what landed me here to begin with.
“You guys don’t need to clean.” It’s Mille who speaks, and she winks at me as she passes.
“I think you ought to take your wife to your suite,” Gary says, as he puts his hand on my shoulder. He laughs and ends up burping.
Real classy, dude.
I play along and yell out Joey’s name. The onslaught of giggles tells me that the whole house has had too much to drink tonight, and I have a feeling I’ll be warding off some very welcome, yet dangerous advances from my wife.
Joey comes up to me and our hands find each other right away. She tugs, and I follow.I should tell her before it’s too late that I’ll follow her anywhere if she just asks. That thought pulls me up short, and she snaps back into my arms.
“Sorry,” I say, as she stumbles even though I caught her.