Page 36 of The Reality Duet
We glance at each other again and smile, but it’s me who talks to the camera. “A honeymoon would be nice, but we’ll have to see what my schedule is like.”
“The light went off,” Joey says as she points to the camera.
I lean closer and sure enough the red light is non-existent.
“Now what?” she asks because usually they call in the next person or couple and I’m not hearing anything over the loud speaker.
“Do we stay?”
Joey shrugs. “I’m not sure that’s what they’re looking for?”
“What if it’s what I want?” I wiggle my eyebrows and receive a slap across my leg, giving me a great idea. “What if we fight?”
“Fight?” she questions.
I shrug. “Yeah, you know, play boxing. I’ll even let you kick my ass.”
Joey stands and places her hands on her hips. The look she’s giving is full of sass. I struck a nerve, just like I planned. Standing, I mimic her stance. She glares and I poke her in the shoulder.
“What do you mean, you’ll let me kick your ass? What makes you think I can’t do it?” She steps closer, her chest almost touching mine. Logic says to step forward so her breasts are touching me, but the child inside says to provoke her. Help bring out her wild side.
“You’re a girl. I’m a guy. Laws of nature dictate that you can’t.”
Just as the words leave my mouth, her leg rears back and connects with my leg. The kick to my shin stings and I have to hold back a hiss. I don’t want her to know she hurt me, even a little bit. I wasn’t expecting her to do it or I might have prepared better.
“Did that hurt?”
“No,” I lie.
This time she pinches my arm. It isn’t a normal pinch either. It’s one of those where she grabs arm hair and twists. My mouth drops open, but I hold back the ‘ow’ that wants to escape.
“What about that?”
“Are you trying to hurt me?”
“You said you wanted to fight. So I’m fighting.”
“I don’t think I like the way you fight,” I tell her, much to her displeasure.
“How do you suppose we fight?”
“Like this,” I say, and without hesitation, I capture her lips. Starting off slow, our lips dance with each other. I have no doubt we’ll be explosive when we can be together. My tongue traces her bottom lip, while her mouth opens slightly, telling me that she wants more. Hell, I want more. The moment our tongues touch, she becomes alive. Her fingers are pulling at my hair and the sharp pain is worth it. When she moans, I just about come undone. I could kiss her all day and night if she’d allow me to. I leave her lips, kissing my way along her jaw to her ear, pulling her lobe lightly. Her neck beckons me, begging me for attention. Her soft whimpers spur me on, so I pull her closer, showing her what she does to me.
My lips trail over the top of her breasts, and to the other side of her neck. She pulls my hair, bringing my mouth back to hers. As soon at our lips touch, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. Sitting us down, I grip her hips, moving her back and forth. I need this with her. I can’t continue to hold back if I’m going to try something with her outside of the house.
We need to win master suite because I need her.
“Amanda and Gary to the confession room.”
We both pull away, and lust filled eyes bore into mine. Our breathing is labored. I smile at her, and kiss the tip of her nose. I need to make my move before it’s too late and I’ve shut her out for good.
“That’s the best fight I’ve ever had,” she says before standing up. She takes my hand in hers, and walks us to the door. I think I like the confession room now.
* * *
The women are teasing us.They’re in the pool bouncing up and down while tossing a beach ball around. My gaze is focused intently on Joey, in her white and blue striped bikini. Every now and again, she looks over and smiles, sending my heart into a shit storm of emotions.
My reasons for not being with her are quickly becoming excuses. At best, they’re weak ones. She’s an adult and should be able to make her own decisions on whether she wants to be with me or not. Just because we’re married doesn’t entitle me to make them for her. I can only tell her how I feel, but ultimately it’s her choice.