Page 58 of The Reality Duet
That’s what Joey’s response is to my heartfelt, lay it on the line emotional dump. She wants to be pinched and who am I to deny her? I grab a bit of her skin between my thumb and forefinger and squeeze. Her mouth drops open before the wailing ow is emitted. Joey slaps my hand away and glares at me.
“What was that for?”
“You said to pinch you, so I did.”
“Yeah but—”
I take her face into my hands and hold her gaze with mine. “No buts, Joey. I know you’re freaking out because of the way I acted and the things I’ve said, but this is me putting it out there for you and for us. I think you and I have a connection and I want to explore it. I don’t know where it’s going to go, and we may hate each other when we get out of this house, but the thought of never seeing you again, or having to wait a year to see you at the reunion show doesn’t sit well with me.”
“Your day is starting now.” Linda’s disembodied voice echoes through our cult compound and I find myself asking if this is worth it or do Joey and I just ditch out. I can’t do that to Joey, though. Who knows if we’re going to make it, and if we don’t it’d be nice for her to have a nest egg.
Still holding her face in my hands, I bring her forward as far as I can to kiss her. I’m trying not to let the fact that she looks pregnant scare the shit out of me, but it’s definitely plaguing my mind right now. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s fake. I don’t know if I’m ready to see Joey with a child, but I also know I’m not ready for her to leave me.
“Newlyweds to the courtyard,” Linda says, breaking my connection with Joey.
“How many days until this is show over?”
I laugh, but mentally count the days in my head. “Not soon enough,” I tell her as I take her hand in mine and walk us down the stairs. As soon as we’re outside, I can’t help but look at everyone.
Joey is the only pregnant one. Gary is holding a baby in his arms, which reminds me about the one we left upstairs.
“Shit, the baby,” I say as I run back into the house and take the steps two at a time. Parents of the freaking year right here! I throw the door open in dramatic fashion and rush to the crib, scooping her up. I’m sure she needs to be changed, but I don’t know how to do that. I don’t think we’re vying for points right now so this is as good as it’s going to get.
When I walk back outside, I hear gasps. Oh yeah, I knocked the virtual Joey up good and proper. In real life, it’s not happening anytime soon. If we can make a go of it, I want to enjoy her and build a life before we even think about having little humans. I also need to be confident in my ability to be a father before I even consider it.
“Newlyweds, each of you have been given a different life to lead. While you won’t be able to go to work, you will receive a salary to which you need to budget your expenses with. Houses have to be cleaned, children taken care of. . .” Patrick laughs as if this is some sort of joke. I’m sure it is to him, but not to the rest of us. This challenge could last weeks if he’s not careful. Viewers will get bored and forget we’re even on.
“Each time the buzzer goes off, check your mailbox. I’ll be back to check with you later.”
“I’m a stay at home dad,” Gary yells, earning a righteous glare from Amanda.
“Can’t imagine that went over well,” I mumble to Joey who hides her snicker.
Cole and Millie walk over to us. Cole is barely able to contain his laughter as he points to Jennifer. Millie elbows him and takes the doll from me.
“What, never seen a man hold a doll before?”
“Just didn’t expect to see you holding one and for her to be pregnant,” Cole says. How he got so lucky in the lack of kids department irritates me. Millie and he have been blissful this entire time. They need some drama.
“Oh yeah, being in a pregnancy suit again is right up my alley.”
I pull Joey to me hoping to take some of the pressure off her back. The suit is heavy and I know it’s a burden for her to wear it.
Overhead dark clouds roll in and it starts to rain. A rarity in California, but likely needed. Everyone starts to scatter, except for Joey. She stands there with her head back, letting the rain pepper her skin. She’s beautiful in every way possible. I can’t believe I was so stupid to tell her that we couldn’t be together.
I tilt her head up and capture her lips with mine. Her fingers push through my damp hair pulling slightly. My hand cups her face as our tongues dance. This kiss isn’t for game play or because we’re on national television. It’s because she’s beautiful and deserves to be kissed. It’s because I want to kiss her like there’s no tomorrow.
The buzzer sounds and the telltale click from doors opening play in the background. Mailboxes open and close, but I don’t stop. I can’t pull away from her. I know, in this moment, that I’ve made the right decision. Being with Joey is going to be the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
When I pull away, her eyes are still closed and raindrops rest on her eyelashes. I want a camera to capture this moment and wish we were anywhere but here. I hate saying this, but I love the thought of the paparazzi taking pictures of us so I can keep them on my phone. The first thing we’re doing once we’re out of here is taking a damn selfie, and yes I’ll be posting it on social media.
“Josh, please pick up your mail,” Linda interrupts us once again. Sighing, I kiss Joey again, but only briefly. I’m going to have to talk to her about foregoing this competition because right now I’d rather be sitting inside the house getting to know her even better.
Pulling the mailbox open, I retrieve the letter. I realize that this is the game of Life, and the only thing missing are the cars that we need to move around the game board.
“We have a leak and a missing child,” I tell Joey. Her eyes go wide and her hand covers her mouth.
“Shit, who has the baby?”