Page 82 of The Reality Duet
I laugh. “The likelihood is rare. Alligators only attack if provoked. If you stay out of their habitat, they’ll leave you alone.”
Joey checks us in while I hang back in the shadows. We’re hoping that because the room has been booked under her maiden name, no one will recognize her. Once she has our keys, we take the short elevator right to the third floor where we have booked one of their larger suites. If we’re going to live here for a few months, we need some comfort. Sadly for me, my idea of comfort doesn’t seem to match that of the hotel.
“Well this isn’t fancy,” I mutter, dropping our bags on the floor.
“It’s perfect.” Joey walks past me and goes right to the window. “We have a view of the alligators. It’ll be a joy watching them,” she says sarcastically.
When I come and stand behind her, I immediately spot one in the water. I don’t know if she sees it or not, and I’m not planning on pointing it out to her. “You know,” I begin as I kiss her neck, “I won’t be working every day and my hours will shift, so we can do a lot together. You won’t always be by yourself. And as long as you’re not pretending to be Captain Hook, you’ll be fine.”
“If I’m Captain Hook, are you my Peter Pan?” she asks, turning in my arms.
“I’d rather you be my Tinkerbell,” I tell her as I capture her lips.
* * *
Whenever I’m on vacation,or even when I’ve just finished a film, I like to sleep in. It’s a luxury that I often don’t have. When I’m not working, I’m still up early and hitting the gym to stay in shape.
But as the sun rises and Joey sleeps in my arms, I’m staring into the morning sun. In our haste last night, we forgot to close the blinds and now I’m paying for it dearly. Tilting my head, I see the red digital number displaying a six and that’s enough to tell me it’s too early to even function. Next week my first call time is at the crack of dawn to film a scene on the beach. The thought of having to change my sleeping habits is enough to make me groan internally.
When Joey stirs I roll us over so I’m lying on top of her. Her arms envelope me, making me feel secure. I can’t believe I almost lost her and all because of Jules, although she can’t be blamed entirely. I’ve always had a hard time saying no to Jules. That was until I met Joey and realized my future was a reality television show and the person I was partnered with lit up my life with a smile.
“I want cake,” I whisper against her skin. She laughs a groggy, sleep-filled laugh.
“You’ll have to wait until we get home.” Her fingers push through my hair, each pass almost lulling me back to sleep.
“Home,” I say, and that’s when a light bulb goes off. I sit up as much as I can without leaving her arms. “We should buy a house.” My sleeping wife one-eyes me before trying to tug me back down to her chest. “I’m serious, Joey. I live in a small, two-bedroom apartment and you live with your parents. We need our own place without roommates, parents, and all the other riff-raff that comes with my baggage. We need something that is our own where we buy a hodgepodge of furniture and make love in every room.”
This time she’s fully awake and looking at me. “Isn’t there some law that we have to have nice furniture for when People magazine comes to interview you?”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t going to be nice. I just said we could be different. I don’t want a theme. I want people to come into our home and feel welcomed, like they can sit and not worry about ruining something. I want a home, Joey. Not a structure with walls and uneasy feelings.”
She smiles brightly. “Okay, we’ll buy a house when we get back to Los Angeles.”
“It doesn’t even have to be there,” I tell her, nestling back into her arms.
“It needs to be where you are, Josh. I don’t want to be far from you,” she says quietly as sleep begins to find her again.
“I feel the same way, Joey. I feel the same way.” I close my eyes and try to find a little more shut-eye before we start our first day as tourists. It’s my plan to see as much of the area as I can, or find a nice secluded place where I can make love to her all day before I start work and my days are filled with film crews, memorized lines, and acting like I’m in love with someone I’m not.
After stoppingin all the small towns on the way to Daphne from the airport, I suggested Josh take the highway to Orange Beach. I didn’t want to be tempted to stop again and really wanted to sink my toes into the sand and relax in his arms under our private cabana.
The reservations were made under my name, as we’ve decided to use it as long as possible until people realize we’re here and start hounding him. Josh reminds me that I’ll be the subject of a lot of scrutiny once the media gets wind that I’m with him. I can handle it; at least I think I can. I suppose nothing prepares you for people following you around taking your picture, or stopping you on the street and asking for a selfie. One thing Josh has promised me is that when we’re eating dinner, he won’t engage fans, but asked that I understand that when shopping or walking down the street with him it’s a different story. I get it. He doesn’t want to ruin the fan base, and if I saw him trotting along I’d be asking for a picture too. It’s in our nature, I think as a fan. As much as I love being with him, I know there are going to be times when I hate his career. Even as a fan I fantasized about being with him. Being there with the glitz and glamour, standing proud next to him as our photos are being taken. And now that I know him and have had a taste with the spotlight, I can’t see how the spouses don’t crack under pressure.
Love conquers all, though, and that’s the motto I’m going to live by.
Absentmindedly, my hand slips into his as I stare out the window at the passing cars. Young women, with the tops to their cute little cars down, are oblivious of the fact that I’m holding hands with Joshua Wilson. I have no doubt in my mind that if they could see through the tinted windows their phones would be out and all sense of responsibility would be lost as they try and snap a picture of him.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks as he exits the highway. Right before my eyes is the most pristine waters I have ever seen. I know they’re not best, but seeing the white sands and the crystal blue waters is enough to make me catch my breath. I’ve always loved the ocean, but now it’s going to have a different meaning, being here with Josh on our honeymoon.
“Nothing in particular.”
“Must’ve been something because I saw you frown.”
Did he? Was he paying that close attention to me while I was daydreaming?