Page 99 of The Reality Duet
Jules throws her hands up in the air and looks at Matt. “You told me she’d be gone by the morning. Make sure it happens.”
By the time I realize what was said, the door slams and I’m being tossed onto the couch. I let out a scream when I hear the crunching of bones as Matt’s head flies back and crashes into the wall.
I react without thinking.The rage I feel is released in a crushing blow as my fist collides with Matt’s face. His head pops back, slamming into the wall as Joey’s deafening scream echoes in my ears. Blood gushes from his face and seeps through the gaps between his fingers as he holds his broken nose between his hands. I stand there with my chest heaving, waiting for him to do something in retaliation, but he doesn’t. He looks at me, saying nothing.
“You. Work. For. Me!” I yell, enunciating each word so he understands what I’m saying. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Just doing my job,” he mumbles, adding more to my confusion. If I’m his job, why isn’t he protecting me? Why isn’t he protecting my wife?
Joey appears, pushing me out of the way so she can hand Matt some ice and a towel for his face. I shake my head, knowing that I’ve overstepped, but the more I think about it, the angrier I become.
“I’ll do that,” I tell Joey, moving her away from Matt. I don’t want her cleaning up his mess or mine. It’s bad enough she’s involved in this shit. The white towel issued by the hotel turns red immediately, soaking through in no time.
“Do you want me to call housekeeping?” she asks. I shake my head; I can’t trust them right now. “Maybe to get more towels.”
She nods and rushes over to the phone while I head around the counter and grab the roll of paper towels.
“My wife shouldn’t have to clean up your mess.” I toss the roll at him, and he fumbles his catch but is able to hang on.
“You hit me!” His voice is hollow and that’s likely because he can’t breathe through his nose.
Leaning onto the table, I look him square in the eyes. “Start talking, Matt. I’ve already fired Jason, and as I see it, you’re next. I won’t put up with any bullshit. I’m so fucking done with all of this. How the fuck did Jules find out which room we are in?”
He looks from me to where Joey is talking on the phone and back to me. “I told Jules.” Matt closes his eyes and acts like I’m about to hit him. I want to, but Joey wouldn’t approve—although if she had heard what he just said, she may want to beat his ass herself.
Matt shakes his head, refusing to tell me.
“Get out. Take your shit with you.”
“You need me.”
I turn to face him. “What I need is for you to be my friend, to be on my side and not Jules’. What I need is for my agent to be there to make sure shit doesn’t happen to my wife when I’m not around. Do you really think I can trust you? This was her safe place. The one place where no one could touch her and you let Jules know where we were. Get out, Matt. Your services are no longer needed.”
Out of the corner of my eye I see Joey standing there, watching everything go down. Matt packs his shit and leaves, cursing me every step he takes until the door shuts behind him.
Joey’s arms come around my waist and I turn to face her. “I’m so sorry. I feel like I’m fucking everything up for you.”
My hands caress her cheeks and I kiss her lightly. “It’s not you, Joey. Jules has this way of worming her way into lives and once she’s there, it’s hard to get rid of her.”
“This worries me, Josh. She’s going around telling the important people in your life that you’re the father of her baby. What if you’re not? Have you considered that?”
I take a step back and let my hands drop. Jules likes to manipulate, but she’s never lied to me. When I thought she cheated, Bronx confirmed that she didn’t. It makes sense that this would be my baby.
“I don’t think she’d lie to me about a baby.”
“Why not?” Joey counters.
“Why would she? She already knows I’m not going back to her, so why bring an innocent life into this mess? Even if you and I were to divorce, I wasn’t going back to her.”
Joey shakes her head. “I don’t know, Josh. A woman scorned and all that shit. She wants you back and what a better way to tie you to her than a baby. Bronx said—”
“I don’t give a shit about what Bronx said. He’s not my friend.”