Page 22 of Home Wrecker
I take a sharp inhale. I should’ve known my silence would be short-lived once Celine got me alone.
Kimber shakes her head, beaming. Her eyes widen with acute interest. “Is there something you’d like to share about Bhodi’s ‘big brother’?”
I cross an arm over my chest and use my other hand to cover my face. “Not here, Cece,” I mumble, knowing full-well as she sidles up next to Kimber she’ll ignore my plea.
“I’m pretty sure Holly would like to give him a bath and tuck him in. And from the way Cary watched her, I’m figuring he’d be okay with Holly getting into the tub so he can touch her all of the places her bathing suit covers too.”
I fret while Kimber and Cece titter on about how attractive Cary is. “Oh, God! That’s not a visual I need!”
Especially not when I can’t get the sight of Cary touching me out of my head.
The jacked bouncer grants us entry and I pull Glen to the side, away from his groomsmen and the other men they invited to his stag party. Somehow my name got added to the guest list. I had no say in where it was being held since I wasn’t in on the planning.
“Not to freak you out or anything, but Bhodi’s mom manages this place.”
Glen pales swearing, “Shit, dude. She’s not going to…”
According to his best man, Glen’s had a few cocktails to get over pre-wedding jitters. The ceremony is a week away and he thinks his fiancée hung the stars. I have the inkling Glen’s either afraid of her reaction finding out he’s been watching women take their clothes off, or Glen hasn’t been to a nudie bar before. Could be both.
I’m less concerned with Holly seeing me at the club than Glen is about her reporting him to the parent of his mentee. I’ve also been half-hard each time I’ve thought about coming out tonight and, unlike the guys I’m here with, it has zero to do with the dancers.
I stop a boozy Glen from pitching a tizzy with a calm down motion. “Holly’s cool. I owed you a heads up in case she happened to introduce herself.”
I’m hoping she does, if only to have her attention for a minute. Whenever I have downtime, I seriously can’t get this woman out of my head.
If I’d believed taking over the family business while Rex was in the hospital was like herding cats, now that I’m officially in charge of the dealerships it’s like I’m juggling the fluffy felines while they claw the crap out of me trying to escape. The only thing I need on a more consistent basis than some good pussy is a better night’s rest.
We push our way through the extra thick crowd. Glen’s groomsmen are at a table near the stage, pouring from a pitcher. I’m in the mood for something else to drink and want to start a tab to cover a round. I tell Glen to save me a seat and veer off to the bar.
A dense crowd has packed itself inside Sweet Caroline’s. Despite this, there’s an extreme amount of space surrounding a single booth on the far wall. It screams “keep away” to patrons similar to the way a hazmat or biohazard sign stops unauthorized entry. I’m mildly shocked Dusty is guarding the perceived bubble. Although Holly’s nickname for him is “big guy”, and it’s an accurate description.
Celine spies me and waves me over. “Why are you here?”
“Bachelor party. We must have picked the same night as every other poor sap.”
“I don’t think so. Word got around that tonight’s Kimber’s retirement. A lot of our old clients came in. None of us expected it would be this busy either.”
“Hold on, you’re—” I stop mid-gaffe. Cece’s hair is down around her shoulders. Her bright yellow top and red heels, which add inches to her stature, are a little more daring than the work outfit she had on the evening at Holly’s condo.
Dusty slips his hand around her waist and pulls his girlfriend close. She reaches up and pats his mammoth chest as if she’s taming a beast. There’s a glow in her expression, attracting his attention to her mouth. Dusty’s lip quirks and I see his body relax.
“I’m sorry,” I say in earnest, realizing Cece is calming the palpable tension radiating off of Dusty. I was mere seconds from a possessive bear of a man mauling me.
It makes perfect sense now how Holly knows the couple. Cece used to dance here. She had a wicked performance with a rain slicker.
All of a sudden, my past rears its ugly head. Dusty is a solid, friendly guy and I’ve come to this place to watch the woman he’s in love with taking off her clothes. The fun I’m here for tonight with Glen and his groomsmen seems a lot less innocuous.
A shrill whistle has us turning our heads toward the bar. Her victory rolls standing tall, Holly points to the door and unless I’m mistaken—which I very well could be because I’m so damn focused on the bright smile Holly flashes at me—the crowd parts to let a couple through.
A powerful grip tightens at my collar. “Mr. Cass, haven’t seen you in too long.”
“Carver Galloway, how is the car running?”