Page 65 of Home Wrecker
Holly and I lie in our bed later, touching gently after she lets me make love to her. It’s the kind of moment we had when I’d brought her home after our first date, except this time the level of intimacy skyrocketed, understanding we’re dreaming about our forever instead of on the sidelines watching someone commit to a lifetime together.
We doze and talk and doze some more, not able to come down from the high. Each time my hands dance over her body, my chest constricts tighter than it had when I’d sat her down by the pool.
In all honesty, after Holly gave me a flat-out “no” about scrapping the condoms, my chances of hearing a “yes” fall from her sweet lips seemed slim. We haven’t been together long, but when it’s right you know it is deep down inside of you. Holly will be my wife a solid year after she came into my life. That’s how everything feels right now: solid, rooted, unwavering.
Counseling has provided me every chance to look at us sideways. Pick apart how we came to be. The difference in our ages. If getting involved with her was some silly fifties sitcom notion that my subconscious was fooling myself into because I have unresolved issues with my teen years.
It hadn’t taken much for me to see both sides of the coin and realize if I was legitimately in search of a white picket fence scenario to fix all the fuckups I’d endured, she’d be younger, I’d be older, and Bhod would be a sparkle in my eye, not a flesh and blood kid. I could have somebody else’s ideal life, but it wouldn’t be withherand she’s who I want.
Holly was meant to be mine. Half-pint was too.
Unable to sleep, Holly calls her sister as the sun is coming up. Laurel breaks into sobs learning our news before Hol has the chance to ask her to be her maid of honor. She’s got Laurel on speaker and the waterworks gush through the phone. Laurel is so happy for us.
Davina has an event planner on speed dial. Apparently, Isobel keeps as unusual hours as Holly does. My mom has already managed to set up a meeting for the day we get back to Brighton. I do appreciate Isobel’s willingness to squeeze us in. I guess in the social circles Davina is still a part of, setting up a wedding in six months is short notice. I also like how Holly’s asked her sister to tag along. I’m deferring to the ladies for this one so that I can get ahead of things at the dealership. However, the timing means Holly won’t be able to adjust her sleep schedule, meaning she’ll be dead on her feet going back to work and I tell her my concerns.
“We can do a smaller ceremony, or change the date,” Holly suggests with a shrug.
“No, Doll, we stick with Bhodi’s choice of February fourteenth.” I won’t compromise to suit other people’s expectations, and I’m adamant her son needs to feel he’s a part of this.
Though I may have gone too far, and need to dial “fun dad” back. I allowed Bhodi another brownie for breakfast since I’m positive it had as much sugar in it as his heaping bowl of fruity cereal. He was bouncing off the living room walls, and now we’re burning off the excess energy in the pool instead of letting him watch the TV or gaming.
Davina brings down bubbly mimosas for the three of us. Holly once again pipes up about decadence. My mom insists we’re entitled to keep celebrating. Holly deserves to be spoiled and I follow Davina’s recommendation up with a matter of fact “get used to it.”
“I don’t think I ever will.” Holly’s struck recognizing there’s a heck of a lot she’s about to get a crash course in as my wife.
She and Davina are like two peas in a pod in the garden. I’m trusting Davina to walk my fiancée through the rest of it. Above all, I don’t expect Holly to change for me. With me in time. But she’s worked for everything she has and altering that seems unnecessary. I understand there is a sense of pride in it for her.
Can I afford prep school tuition? Well, that’s a stupid question. Of course, I can. But she wants to be the one who pays for Bhodi to go to the same private high school I attended. I want him to see she was the one who did it too. There’s a bit of feminist girl power in that statement and stroking her own ego involved. Let’s not forget Hol labored alone, birthed him alone, and has cared for him every day since, making choices about who gets to be a part of Bhodi’s life—like me—All. On. Her. Own. She’s entitled to celebrate her accomplishments.
Bhodi is her son, and until now he’s been her responsibility to raise. There was zero malice in her heart getting into a relationship with a well-off businessman or any intent of shirking those financial duties off onto me. For fuck’s sake, I’d tried to give her cash for a lawyer and she turned me down and booted my ass out of her bedroom. I’ll be damned if anyone tries to call her on it.
That doesn’t mean I’m not haplessly in love with the woman and won’t try to lay the world at her feet. Although I make quite a few complimentary suggestions of my own about the big day, every idea Holly bounces off of me I meet with the phrase, “You can have anything your heart desires.”
I do.
Bhodi is swimming and I’m sitting on the concrete pool deck with my feet dangling over the side, enjoying our lazy morning. I refill a squirt gun and wait for the little boy we both freakin’ adore to aim and fire.
Holly scoots up behind me. “Wedding or not, my heart desires the sexy as sin man acting like an absolute dork while having a water gun fight.” Her knees hit my back and her hands push my shoulders.
Having been dunked before, I catch onto what she’s doing and grab Holly by the wrist, using the power to propel her over my head so that she lands in the water around the same time I do.
My shorts and her pajamas are soaked, and her expression is pure shock.
“C’mere.” I tug her to me while she’s shaking out her arms.
Any other girl I’ve met would fuss. I ruined her prank, her hair, you name it. Holly’s biggest concern is that she’s lost the rock on her hand.
I double-check along with her, twisting the stone upward for her to see it shimmering in the sunlight. The facets catch the rays the way they had the moonlight last night.
“Did I tell you this is the most gorgeous ring ever? Thank you.” She cups my cheek.
“You’re welcome. I should be thanking you for saying yes.” It would have been an awkward getaway otherwise.
Her nose gets closer to mine and Bhodi yells, “You guys are so gross.”