Page 101 of Sinful Hearts
because you’re mine
Heat explodes in my core. My pulse begins to beat even faster, and I start to shiver. Goddammit, there’s something insanely sexy about this ridiculously over-the-top caveman routine, even though there’s no way I would have ever found this even a mild turn-on in anyone else.
But…that’s Hades.
Something new. And wild. And insane.
and I wasn’t sulking, I was looking up your class list from your school
I’m sorry, what? Why?
So that I could check through all the guys who might have been at that post-formal afterparty, or any party, who might have touched you
My pulse pounds in my ears. My breath becomes shaky.
Why is that?
So that I could find them and fucking kill them
There’s no “lol” at the end of that statement. No funny gif. No cute emoji.
It’s not a joke. He’s legitimately that insane, and dangerous, and more than capable of doing that. And apparently, I’mfarmore than capable of getting wetter than rain when he says shit like that.
You’d seriously kill someone for touching me?
That’s ALL?? Just for touching me?
Does there need to be any other reason
I stare at the screen, eyes bugging out of my face, my mouth hanging open.
And my panties a fuckingmess.
Maybe there really is something off with Hades. Maybe he’s even more of a psycho—like, legitimately so—than I’ve ever guessed. But if he is, then there’s a strong chance, given how much this whole act is turning me on, that I am, too.
and you’re deflecting. we were talking about your ass missing me