Page 116 of Sinful Hearts
It’s acomicallylarge house for just three people. But it works for them. And I do love catching up on my work here, especially when I can set up shop outside, like today. Even if that work entails answering emails, which is arguably my least favorite thing in the world to do.
Who the fuck still even sends emails? I barely ever check mine. We all have smartphones. Why are we not just texting? Email is all just digital junk mail these days anyway.
But, asIam doing my least favorite activity, I’m also taking breaks roughly every two minutes to check my phone.
Like a complete. Fucking. Jackass.
Because, obviously, I’m compulsively looking for anything from Elsa.
Because,alsoobviously, I have somehow turned into one of those incredibly lame, simpering guys who checks his phone every ninety-eight seconds to see if the girl he likes has texted him.
It’s all incredibly pathetic and uncool.
But it’s been a quiet few day on the Elsa front, since the night I sent her the lingerie and the toys. I’m actually regretting sending those, because it seems to have shut her right the fuck up.
She went completely offline that night without really ending our text conversation, which is unusual for her. She gave me some bullshit excuse the next day about her sister needing her or something. But even after that, it’s been a few days without much of anything besides the odd message here and there.
I can tell myself all I like that she’s busy, and married to her job, and all that shit. Or that Crown and Black has a giant gala event for their high-roller clients tomorrow night, that’s probably eating up a bunch of her time.
But still…
I glance at the phone for the umpteenth time.
Still nothing.
You fucking pathetic pussy.
“Well, now I get why you’re never actually at the office.”
I turn, nodding at Ares as he walks across the garden to where I’m sitting at the outdoor dining table. He drops into a chair across from me and drums his fingers on the top of the table.
“What can I say, Ares, I’m just livin’ that vagabond life. Midtown, Brooklyn, Little Odessa, K-town. The world is my oyster. Who knows where I’ll end up next?”
He smirks, shaking his head before his brow furrows.
“I need to ask you something.”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Ruh-row, Shaggy.”
He gives me his signature big brother Ares “stop fucking around” look. I shut my mouth.
“What’s going on with you and Elsa?”
I clear my throat. “Elaborate?”
“C’mon, man. Don’t make me wade through the bullshit. I know you’re seeing her.”
“I’m notseeingher—”
I scowl at his scolding tone. “And what if I am, anyway? It’s none of your concern or business.”